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  Mailing Lists (40)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site Black on White Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- A web site designed to help writers overcome hurdles (including fear) that are preventing them from producing pages on a regular basis. So often a person will have the desire to write, but fail to complete a work. In order to be a writer, one must write
- http://www.blackonwhite.on.ca/

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Regular Websites in this category

Cyber Hacks Open in a new windowLink Details
- An informal critique, discussion and announcement list for all writers. The primary purpose is to create a low-key forum where writers can network and help each other become better at the craft, published and paid.
- http://lists.topica.com/lists/cyber-hacks/

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The Internet Writing Workshop Open in a new windowLink Details
- A set of mailing lists providing community and guidance to writers.
- http://internetwritingworkshop.org/

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WorkforWriters Open in a new windowLink Details
- This list is for professional writers, staff or freelance, to find job leads, share information on job searches, writing contacts, contracts, writers' organizations.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/workforwriters/

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Write Success Open in a new windowLink Details
- Newsletter for writers who want successful full-time freelance careers. Contains ways to build a nest egg that will allow you to freelance full-time, methods for promoting your writing skills and/ business.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/writesuccess/

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Writeangles Open in a new windowLink Details
- For non-fiction and business writers. For networking, sharing and exploring various markets, and mentoring services for writers. Topics include ghostwriting, copywriting, and article writing.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/writeangles/

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Writergrrls Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional women writers from around the world discuss the vocation and the craft. Includes tech writers, novelists, fiction writers, journalists, and poets.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/writergrrls/

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Hodu.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Email newsletters, focuses on building communications skills, business writing and other writing related topics. By Azriel Winnett.
- http://www.hodu.com

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Writerspark Open in a new windowLink Details
- An exercise-based creative writing group that offers thoughtful critique without all the chit-chat.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/writerspark/

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Laughing Sun Literary Hotspot Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dedicated to the opportunities of e-publishing. This is the publishing of any text through the digital form. It is the first foothold to the future.
- http://www.sunoasis.com/sun.html

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The BBR Directory Open in a new windowLink Details
- A free monthly email and web newsletter covering small press and independent publishing all over the world.
- http://www.bbr-online.com/directory/index.shtml

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Renegade Writers Open in a new windowLink Details
- An unconventional guide to freelance writing success.
- http://lists.cybernothing.org/mailman/listinfo/renegadewriters

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Zinesters Open in a new windowLink Details
- A mailing list covering any and all aspects of DIY zines, with information on many current print zines.
- http://zinesters.net

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Byte Out of Crime Open in a new windowLink Details
- Intended for content writers, publishers, and editors who submit articles, stories, and books for publication on the World Wide Web, without a prearranged contract. Scam web sites have been of increasing concern to all writers.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/byteoutofcrime/

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Short Fiction Open in a new windowLink Details
- List for posting and/or critiquing short short or short fiction or non-fiction pieces. This list is for people who wish to write pieces 500 words or less for enjoyment or for critiquing.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Short_fiction/

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Authors Anonymous Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writers and new authors support group exchange success stories in marketing and promoting their books. The group is building a one-stop archive of resources for marketing/publishing references and writing tips.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/making_critical_choices/

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Aids4Writers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tip Sheets, articles, seminar notes for aspiring or multi-published authors. Articles cover topics on the writing craft, the industry, and the writing life.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Aids4Writers/

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Spilled Candy Books Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing tips and a weekly email list for writers and Pagans.
- http://www.spilledcandy.com/

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WriteAtHome Open in a new windowLink Details
- A free newsletter for writers which features tips, interviews, ideas and resources to help beginning or experienced freelance writers turn their passion into profits.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WriteAtHome/

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The Book Lover's Haven Open in a new windowLink Details
- A free newsletter for book lovers and new, upcoming and established writers. Gives job listings, contests, advice, tips, news, book tours, book fairs, poetry and interviews with best selling authors.
- http://www.chistell.com/newsletter.htm

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MadWordsmiths Open in a new windowLink Details
- A virtual writers' clubhouse. Discussing all aspects of writing and the writer's life.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MadWordsmiths/

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Per Zines Open in a new windowLink Details
- For writers and publishers of personal zines. Topics of discussion include how you design, pay for, distribute your zines, tips and tricks, overcoming zinester's block.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/perzines/

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WritingTips Open in a new windowLink Details
- Email list with tips on how to avoid common errors in writing, a feature article on one aspect of writing for the web and a quiz.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WritingTips/

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The Write Site Open in a new windowLink Details
- Bi-monthly newsletter with information on writing jobs, market listings, agents, contests, grants, internships, scholarships, and many other resources for freelance writers.
- http://pages.sssnet.com/ohiobar/writesite.html

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WordBeats Open in a new windowLink Details
- News for readers and writers.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WordBeats/

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FundsforWriters Open in a new windowLink Details
- Reveals funding sources for struggling writers with a dream.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FundsforWriters/

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E-authors Open in a new windowLink Details
- For writers utilizing the services of electronic publishers for their work. It is a list designed for members to share not only market information but also craft information, personal concerns and book reviews.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/e-authors/

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00-01Writing Open in a new windowLink Details
- This is a list for people who write. At this list you can receive and offer advice on creative works to further develop your writing.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/00-01writing/

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Creative Writing Open in a new windowLink Details
- A forum in which to share creative writing of all sorts.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/creative_writing/

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Non Fiction Writing Open in a new windowLink Details
- A place for non-fiction writers to exchange ideas, sources, inspiration and support. Not the place to discuss fiction work or poetry.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nonfictionwriting/

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Bad_Writing Open in a new windowLink Details
- An online writing community for those who deliberately write bad stuff.
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bad_writing/

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RestStop Writers Newsletter Open in a new windowLink Details
- A writing newsletter with a cat theme written by unknown writers online.
- http://www.creativepurrsuits.com/reststopnews/index.html

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The E-Communication Newsletter Open in a new windowLink Details
- Career management and business communication tips will enhance your writing skills and marketability.
- http://www.iwritesite.com

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WritersMarkets.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- The free marketing e-mag for writers featuring new paying markets and weekly job listings for freelance writers, editors, journalists and photographers.
- http://www.writersmarkets.com

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Writers@sfgoth.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- A mailing list for writers to discuss the mechanics and wonders of writing, and to exercise their writing muscles.
- http://www.sfgoth.com/writers

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