Butler, James - Figurative, monumental and commemorative works by a UK artist and Royal Academician. - http://www.jamesbutler-ra.com/
Beaudette, Sister Margaret - A variety of religious sculpture in bronze, bonded bronze and fiberglass sited in a number of locations mainly in the USA. Site includes a selection of smaller works for sale. - http://www.margaretbeaudette.com/
Buratti, Giancarlo - History and overview of a Tuscan sculptor, his monuments, portrait busts and statuary. (Italian and English) - http://www.burattiscultura.it/
Bloch, Ruth - Here you can find a sample of Ruth Bloch creations. Ruth is a scultress, works mainly in bronze and glass. - http://www.ruth-bloch.co.il/
Bozzolo, Adriano - Abstract and figurative sculptures, inspired by the sun, and light. In English, and Italian. - http://www.adrianobozzolo.com/homepage_en.htm
Blevins, Art - Public and private portrait sculpture using bronze and terra cotta. Busts and full-figure representations of the human form, from life-size to monumental. - http://www.artblevins.com/
Brown, John - Sculptural work mainly based on the human figure, and concerned with relationships, and emotions. - http://www.johnbrown-sculptor.co.uk/
Broderick, Laurence - Devoted to capturing the vitality of wildlife and the grace of the human form, sculpture combines abstraction and realism. - http://www.laurencebroderick.co.uk
Bruns, Carol - Artist's studio visit in Brooklyn's Dumbo district with figurative sculptor and painter, whose work explores themes of culture & power in relationships. - http://www.biddingtons.com/content/creativebruns.html
Battenberg, John - Bronze sculpture by Battenberg studios, wolves, eagles and other animals. - http://battenberg.com/
Buscaglia, Jose - Bronze sculptures : public monuments, limited editions, portraits, and multiple reproductions (excultura monumental). - http://www.josebuscaglia.com/
Beardwood, Christine - English sculptor creating bronzes sculptures for collectors world wide. - http://www.ridgequest.co.uk/sculpture.htm
Benshalom, Itzik - Established a foundry and specialized in the lost wax technique of metal casting. His passion for life is reflected in the subject matter he realizes in his bronze sculptures. - http://www.itzikbenshalom.com/
Blome, Erik - An exhibition of figurative sculpture, and reliefs. - http://www.figurativeartstudio.com/
Bright, J. Clayton - Figurative sculptures of people and animals, ranging from table, to life size. - http://jclaytonbrightstudio.com/