Isabelle Paradis - Montreal printmaker works in lithography, etching, and silkscreen. Images and email link. -
Hamers, Huguette - Hand printed offset, photolitho, collograph, sometimes mixed with more traditional etching and engraving techniques such as aquatint, vernis mou, mezzotint and drypoint. -
Laughing Crow Studio - Lezle Williams focuses on relief printmaking with an emphasis on woodcuts, wood engraving, and non-toxic printmaking. Environmental art including wildlife illustrations and architectural watercolors are specialties. -
Vos, Twan de - A selection of the art of Twan de Vos, a graduate of the Academy of Art Arnhem, The Netherlands, featuring linocut and silkscreen prints, and several multi-media sculptures. -
May, Dan - Monoprints, linocuts, paintings, posters and gifts inspired by themes including temptation, dogs and the human condition. -
Swatland, Sally - Featuring a selection of Giclees by this contemporary American Impressionist artist. Sally's specializes in scenes featuring children playing on the beach and derives her technical inspiration from William M. Chase, E.H. Potthast and Joaquin Sorolla y Bas -
Capova, Hana - Gallery of symbolic etchings by the Czech artist. -
Demel, Karel - Stylized and symbolic combination form prints. -
Women Printmakers of Austin - The WPA site showcases the work of its members, to promote the organization, and the art of printmaking in Austin, Texas. -
Wolfe, Judith - New York artist working in serigraphs, illuminated serigraphs, landscape monoprints, and floral monotypes. -
Halstead, Don - D. Halstead Artworks inkjet prints are created from original videography, and are intended to emulate traditional serigraphs. -
World Printmakers - Exhibition of contemporary printmakers from around the world. Supplemental information on printmaking history, techniques and terminology, and conservation of prints. -
Kavan, Jan - Featuring a collection of figurative symbolic etchings. -
Goya-Girl Press Inc. - A full-service printmaking atelier and gallery in Baltimore, Maryland. Portfolio of prints by artists, descriptions of lithographic and intaglio facilities and services, contact information and directions for finding the workshop. -
Valentine, David - Synthetic Constructions is a gallery of intimate scale dry ink prints and contemporary works of art, based on photographs. -
Lorenz, Hilary - She incorporates photomicrography, X-rays, and elements of fifteenth-century scientific research on human circulation in her digital photography, intaglio and relief printmaking. -
Kuklík, Ladislav - Showcasing modern figurative, stylized, and often conceptual etchings. -
Haas, Richard - Lithograph and silkscreen on aluminum, etching and aquatint prints using architectural subjects, curriculum, and list of exhibitions. -
The Spanish Printmakers Collective - A site dedicated to contemporary printmakers working in Spain today, with general information on printmaking. -