Jurisich, Jay - Portfolio and blog featuring paintings, drawings, and words. Conceptual works. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.jurisich.com
Jones, Sherion - Michigan artist shows portrait drawings featuring young children. - http://Sherion.voodoochilli.net
Jacobus, Mary K. - Colorful representational and impressionist works by this Denver-based artist. Flowers and musicians are favorite themes. - http://www.Mkartstudio.com
Jacoby, Daniel - Online portfolio showcasing video, painting, and drawing. Abstract and conceptual works. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.danieljacoby.com
Jones, Wendy - Texas artist shows representational works in various media. - http://www.wjsarthouse.com
Johnson, Bryce A. - Michigan artist shows coastal scenes, wildlife images, and murals. Features information about murals. - http://bryceajohnson.com
Jackson, Kate - Retrospective of the artist's abstract work from the last 10 years. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://katejackson711.com
Jaquillard, Daniele - French artist shows abstract paintings and photographs. Includes exhibitions listing. Photos of children from around the world. - http://www.jaquillard.fr/
Jantzen, Ellen - Etavonni: sculptural organic forms made from recycled paper by this California-based artist. Prints and jewelry too. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://web.mac.com/ellenjantzen/iWeb/Etavonni/Welcome.html
Jiang Yong - Paintings and calligraphy by this Chinese artist. Landscapes and figurative paintings. Includes nudes. - http://jyjyjyjy.com/jy/index_english.html
Jacovoni, Benedetta - Abstract paintings, installation views, and performance pieces by this artist who has studios in Rome and Vienna. Some text in Italian. - http://benjacovoni.4t.com/
Johnson, Taly and Russ Johnson - New York City-based husband-and-wife team show 'offbeat art' including video, graphics, and collage. Includes exhibitions listing and videography. Humorous. - http://www.talyandruss.com/index.html
Jokisaari, Anne - Digital Nature: Finnish artist shows digital collages and graphic designs. Fantasy artwork and conceptual pieces; music compositions. Includes CV. - http://www.jokisaari.net/
Johnson, Vaughnda - This Brooklyn artist focuses largely on oil paintings and ink pieces. Features expressionistic studies of people. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://vaughnda.com
Junqueira, Paola - Drawings, sculptures, performance pieces, and video from this Brazilian-born artist who lives in Switzerland. Conceptual. Includes bio. - http://www.paolajunqueira.ch/
Jones, Melba - Landscapes, equestrian-theme works, and children's portraits from this Mississippi-based artist. - http://www.kreativecanvases.com/
Jenkins, Sarah H. - This American artist working in England presents recent installations, scuplture, and drawings. Focus is on sound, function, and wit. - http://www.swanpillows.com/
Jung, Kwan - Watercolors by this San Diego-based artist and restaurant owner. Includes figure works, landscapes, and still-lifes. - http://www.sandiegochinese.net/htmls/kwanjung.htm
Jacoub, Kais - Presentation of works by this Iraqi engineer and artist. Surreal paintings and Christian art pieces. - http://www.kais-jacoub.com
Johnston, David - Online portfolio featuring digital graphic design by this UK-based artist and technology news writer. - http://users.macunlimited.net/johnston/
Jordan, Robin M. - Lyrical watercolors and constructions from this Brooklyn artist. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.robinmjordan.com/
Jacobs, Mike - Brooklyn artist shows colorful abstract, pop-style, and surrealist paintings. - http://mikejacobs.us
Joanna - Polish artist shows illustrations and clay sculptures. Figurative. - http://www.artasia.o12.pl
Jinyoung Shin - Surreal illustrations, writings, and various projects by this Korean artist. - http://www.dadaly.net
Jennings, Nellie C. - Texas artist presents photo-paintings and photography inspired by nature. - http://njoyart2.com/
Javeri, Jaya - Palette-knife paintings by this Indian artist. Mostly landscapes. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.jayajaveri.com
Jelke - Dutch artist displays colorful oil paintings that abstract and surrealistic styles. - http://www.artist-strange-work.com/
Jones, Colin - Portfolio site for the late Welsh artist. Figurative. Includes exhibitions and collections listings. - http://www.colinjones.net
Janowitz, Joel - Massachusetts-based painter and printmaker presents an online portfolio. Representational/impressionist. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.joeljanowitz.com
Jom - Photography ranging from portraits and commercial work to experimental samples by this Australian artist. Video and painting too. - http://www.jom.com.au/
Jones, M. David - Dog Ruff: London-based artist with interests in short film, visual art, dance, and film editing. Installation works. - http://www.dogruff.net
Jennings-Hall, Cassandra - Abstract paintings in acrylics by this New Jersey artist. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://cjenningshall.artspan.com/
Jansen, Peter - Photos, paintings, sculptures by this former dean of a Dutch academy of art. Travel photos and stories. Includes resume. - http://peter-jansen.com
James, Emily - This Florida artist's landscapes feature beaches, Everglades views, European scenes, tropical venues, and golf settings. Representational. - http://www.emilyjamesart.com
Jung, Gwang-Woong - Abstract oil paintings by this Korean artist. Includes exhibitions listing, press reviews, and images from gallery installations. - http://woongart.com
Jennings, William S. - Realistic landscape paintings by this Arizona-based artist. Includes exhibitions listing. Background music. - http://www.wsjennings.com
JrYe - Shanghai-based artist shows photos, graphic works, and virtual dolls. Text in English and Chinese. - http://dollish.net
Jones, Dennis M. - Michigan-based artist and architect shows drawings, paintings, and sculpture. Limited-palette abstract and figurative works. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://dennismichaeljones.com
Johnston, David E. - Portfolio of graphic design, music and performance information for this Brooklyn-based artist. Includes resume. Flash. - http://www.davidejohnston.com
Jaramillo,Ana Maria - Colombian painter shows artwork samples. Portraits, figurative works,and still-lifes. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.anamariajaramillo.com/English.htm
Jaddo, Lahib - Figurative paintings by Iraqi-American artist Lahib Jaddo. Her art explores personal and cultural liberation, and the role of women in society. Gallery, biography, reviews and show dates. - http://www.lahibjaddo.com/
Jarzemscy, Bogna and Marian - Online gallery featuring works in enamel and oil by this Poland-based husband & wife team of artists. Landscapes and abstracts. Includes exhibitions listing. - http://www.bon.art.pl/
Jonei - Display of digital artwork and experiments. Figurative, floral, landscapes and animal themes. - http://www.jonei.com
Jobmann, Brad - Virtual portfolio showcases the artist's flash and design work over the years. - http://www.bradj.com
Johannes, Katie - Figurative paintings and a few modeling pictures. - http://www.katiejohannes.com
Jones, Cerys - Photoshop art by a Welsh artist. Playful photo collages. - http://www.chalicier.dsl.pipex.com/ceryspix
Justiniani, Mark O. - Filipino artist shows paintings on canvas, wood, and paper; also mixed-media installations featuring word play. Figurative. - http://homepage.mac.com/markjustiniani/Menu9.html
Jevon - Abstract and expressionist paintings and clock designs. - http://www.jevon.net/
Joy, Ken - Music and digitally processed photography by this UK-based artist. Abstract landscapes. MP3s. - http://www.kenjoy.net/
Jansen, Wouter - Happyconomy features "Happy creatures" installations and performance projects by the artist. Flash. Some text in Dutch. - http://happyconomy.nl
Jaramillo, Eduardo - Muralist with studios in California and Mexico shows some samples of his figurative works. Magic realism. - http://www.eduardojaramillo.com
Jarvis, Tamara L. - Abstract works in acrylic with bas-relief effects by Indiana-based artist. - http://tamaraleighjarvis.artspan.com
Jazilek - Abstract collage paintings using paper and wood. - http://www.jazilek.com
Johnson, Theresa - Oregon artist shows oil paintings and pastels focusing on portraits of children and adults. - http://theresajohnson.artspan.com
Jacobs, Linda - Oil and acrylic paintings of local scenes in the Midwest; hand-crafted hats made from wool and angora. - http://www.jacobsarts.com
Jensen, Dwayne - Canadian artist shows 3D works, prints, illustrations, paintings, and digital samples. Representational. - http://www.dwaynejensen.com/
Jennings, Tom - World Power Systems: machine art and obsolete forgeries are the topics of this Los Angeles-based artist and computer expert. Includes bio. - http://www.wps.com/
Janes, Michael D. - British artist, trained in the building industry, displays abstract artwork. - http://britartists.com
Jones, Rick - This graphic artist presents Kiyotei's Den, an online gallery of digital work, scanned media and links to art-related resources. - http://www.art.net/kiyotei
Jenn - This young artist offers fantasy artwork as well as life drawings, poetry and prose. - http://members.shaw.ca/confusion56