Stanford, Joe W. - Contemporary paintings and drawings. -
Satish, Joshi - The work of a noted contemporary Indian artist, living in New York, working in a wide variety of media - stone and metal sculpture, mixed media painting in abstract and figurative styles, and works on paper -
Simmons Presley , M - Fine art paintings, drawings, pastels, digital art, and graphics. Primarily figurative, botanical, and allegorical subject matter; site includes a mat/frame color selection viewer and over a hundred links to museums and galleries. -
Salas, Susan Stone - Artistic, figurative expressions of the effects of child abuse with accompanying text. -
Smith, Aaron - Figurative oil paintings and charcoal drawings by this allegorical realist. Images with artist's comments, curriculum vitae, and news. -
Samuelson, Rose Ann - An introspective look into why Rose Ann Samuelson paints, complemented by a gallery of paintings by subject. -
Szyszka, Roswita - Figurative paintings and reproductions on canvas, mainly with overtones of analytic cubism. -
Somerville, George - Gouache paintings with a humorous slant on contemporary society. -