Lombardi, Elizabeth - New Jersey artist shows portraits, figurative works, and abstract paintings. - http://phoenixartsgroup.org/elizabeth/
Liu Yan - Avant-garde and colourful Chinese ink paintings by an accomplished Chinese woman artist. Could be described as contemporary Chinese "pop" art. - http://liu-yan.com
Lux, Loretta - Formal surreal portraits of childhood. Galleries of her work and reviews. - http://www.lorettalux.de/
Lee, Ruby - Symbolic representational figures in oil and acrylic inspired by ancient Mayan glyphs. - http://www.portalmarket.com/rubylee.html
Lazy-Wolf : Defalle, Phillip - A European's view of Native Americans in large, colorful graphics of figures in traditional costume. - http://www.lazy-wolf.com/lazywolf/english/index.html
Lu, Cong - Strong character portrayals from facial expression and body language empasized with dramatic lighting. - http://www.lucong.com
Lyapkalo, Viktor - Portraits and nudes by the Russian artist Viktor Lyapkalo (b.1956). Selected works from the 1980 and 1990s. Images, biographical and bibliographical notes, and studio photographs. - http://www.leningradschool.com/lap_e.html
Leighton, Dan - Paintings and prints from the 80s and early 90s, using large canvases and high contrasts. Images and biography. - http://www.danleighton.com/
Lawrence, Joseph D. - New York City figurative oil painter's slide gallery with artistic statement, artist's exhibitions, visitor's comments, and quote of the month. - http://www.josephdlawrence.com/
Lapins, Gail - Contemporary figurative artist whose paintings express strong emotions through substance and metaphor. Lapins challenges viewers to create their personal interpretation of her powerful, original work. - http://www.gaillapinsartist.com