Vickery, Fiona - Portraits of pets and other animals, both domestic and wild -- horses, dogs, racoons, lions, elephants, owls, etc. -- in watercolor by German artist available for commissions. Site in English. -
Viztes, Elizabeth - Traditional portraiture in oil on canvas, of corporate subjects or family, children, or pets -- such as "triplex" compositions (triple views) -- as well as wildlife or landscapes by artist available for commissions. -
van der Kooy, Ed - Life-sized portraits in acrylic of Asian women -- typically wearing traditional dress, rendered in intricate detail -- by much exhibited and well traveled Dutch artist. -
Vidot, Raymond - "New Old Master Paintings" - Accurate reproductions of portraits, figurative works, landscapes, and other paintings, in virtually any media or style, by artist also available for original portraits. Site in English etc. -