Gorges, Birgit - Portraits of famous Rock, Pop, Blues, and Jazz musicians in airbrush or acrylic on canvas. Site in English and German. - http://home.arcor.de/b.gorges/
Goodman, Jeff - Portraits and other original paintings primarily of dogs, but also of people or buildings, by artist available for commissions. - http://members.cox.net/jeffg2/
Goertz, Debra - Portraits -- in oil, watercolor, pastel, charcoal, pencil, terra cotta, or plaster -- created from life or photographs by New York artist available for commissions. - http://www.debragoertz.com/
Griggs, Jeff - Portraits, landscapes, and historical scenes in oil -- including "The Eyes of a Nation", commemorating 9/11, presented to the President, and available as lithographs -- by Los Angeles artist available for commissions. - http://griggsgallery.com
Gottlieb, Adrian - Portraits & other Classical Realist works "in the naturalist tradition", preferably from life but also as memorials, by artist trained in Florence, now at Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art, & available for commissions. - http://www.adriangottlieb.com/
Gardam, Lindsay - Paintings and reproductions by Lindsay Gardam are sold to help raise funds for endangered wildlife, harassed and battered women, and other worthy causes. - http://www.artshow.com/gardam/index.html
Golden, Cynthia - Professional portrait painter of adults, children, and pets since 1975. She works on commissions using pastels, oils, and acrylics. - http://home.earthlink.net/~cynthiagolden
Girard, Linda - Oil portraits of children by a southern California artist serving clients nationwide. - http://portraitschildren.com
Gleim, Lisa - Portraits of children, families, professionals, and pets in oil, pastels, or charcoal as well as landscapes by artist who is "part of a long line of Southern artists" and is available for commissions. - http://www.lisagleim.com
Galloway, Bart - Portraits of children, adults, and families in oil as well as still lifes, landscapes, drawings, prints, designs, and illustrations by artist available for commissions and lessons. - http://www.bartgalloway.com
Georges, Michael - Portraits in oil and Old Master reproductions for purchase or on commission by artist using "only the best materials and time honored techniques". - http://fineportraitsinoil.com