Lord, Roz - Online portfolio of a Santa Barbara based artist displaying several categories of paintings. Includes landscapes, animals, and still life work. - http://www.rozlord.com/
L'Epicier, Gisele - Quebec born painter displaying several galleries of expressive figurative paintings online. - http://www.giselelepicierart.com/
Lucjan, Piotr - Polish artist displaying paintings of stylized figures interacting in society. - http://republika.pl/piotrlucjan/
Lisitsa, Lana - Expressive and surreal cityscapes, emotionally charged figurative paintings, still life and landscape works. Includes images, artist statement, and biography. - http://lanasart.com/
Levine, Phil - Expresses feelings through color. Has images, statement, and biographical data. - http://www.phillevine.com/
Lane, Betty (1907-1996) - Biographical articles (including images of paintings, water colors and drawings) about the artist. Includes portraits and landscapes of France, England, Canada, Maine, and Cape Cod. - http://www.bettylane.com/main/
Lernout, Ward - Includes recent paintings, biography, bibliography, awards, and exhibitions. - http://www.wardlernout.be/
Lorville, Vidho - Haitian painter of political subjects in strong colors. Images, biography, and reviews. - http://www.vidholorville.com/
Lanouette, Peter - A collection of portrait, figurative, and still life art. - http://www.lanouettefoundation.com/
Lachman, Al - Contemporary landscapes and figurative work - http://www.lachmanstudios.com/