Shackelford, Victoria - Exhibits paintings and drawings of regional Southwestern images. Works include egg tempera and oil painting techniques. -
Novko, Svetlana - Hand-painted Orthodox icons in traditional Byzantine style. Egg tempera medium, natural pigments. Includes gallery, information on medium and materials and greeting cards. -
Garcia, Alex Omar - Specializing in paintings created through the egg tempera process. Includes short biography and statement. -
Mankowska, Katarzyna (Katherine) - Presents traditional egg tempera icons and decorative temperas painted on masonite. -
DeMarco, Michelle - Western Massachusetts artist and member of the Society of Tempera Painters displays selected artworks. Includes short biography and gallery information. -
Wessel, Fred - A series of egg tempera paintings by artist Fred Wessel. Many of the paintings exhibit applications of gold leaf as was the aesthetic practice in Early Renaissance Art. -
Tutt, George "Papa" - Experience the egg temperas of artist George "Papa" Tutt. Over 48 pieces on display -
Frank, Ellen - Official Web site of Award-Winning Artist and Writer Ellen Frank. Work includes the highly acclaimed Hanukkah Illuminated series of illuminated manuscripts. -
Panailidis, Sotirios - Icons (in tempera) & wall-paintings based on the tradition of Orthodox Byzantine Art. In addition, a selection of drawings, pastels and works done in other techniques. -
Schirmer, Phil - Highly realistic scenes of rocky coasts -
Jackson, Maz - Texture, color and emotion combine in vibrant temperas on wood. Scenes resemble underwater cacti gardens. -
Kelley, Alessandra - How to make and use egg tempera, some samples of her art, news relevant to her students, and a paper on safety hazards to pregnant painters. -
Hardy, Fran - Features luminous magnifications of the intricate, colorful, and varied plant life of Florida in egg tempera and oil. Includes images, extracts from reviews, resume, and a gallery list. -
Large Cynthia - The artist explores the overlapping spheres of music, magic and mental illness. Includes a number of small pianos and organs capable of conjuring saints and demons alike. The dominant medium is egg tempera and oil on wood. -
Dumoux, Ray - Viapictura presents Ray Dumoux's work. Tempera- precise reconstituion of art of painting, its substance and materials, symbolism Drawings, engraving and paintings from small to monumental. -
Arbrador, Lora - San Francisco artist paints about love, yoga, massage, medicine, death and dying. Available as greeting cards, posters, blank journals and reproductions. -
Milliken, Rob - Works by artist Rob Milliken. Information about how to make egg tempera and painting demonstrations. -
Scherrer, Suzanne and Ouporov, Pavel - Two artists working together using egg tempera technique they learned in Russia. -
Bergt, Michael - Online portfolio of painter and sculptor Michael Bergt -