Taetzsch, Lynne - Includes original paintings and limited edition giclee prints on canvas as well as articles on understanding abstract art. Based in New York. - http://www.artbylt.com/
Tsatsos, Gorge - Geometric forms, mosaics, spanners and acrobats around the painting with very colourful doodles. - http://www.verinhaottoni.com/georgetsatsos/index.html
Tarter, Diana - Abstract and expressionist art based on the real: oils and acrylics by Venice CA artist. - http://dianatarter.com/
Thorne, Joan - Contemporary international artist based in New York painting metaphysical abstractions. - http://www.joanthorne.com/
Theis, Hermann - Delicately colored paintings and drawings. In English and German. - http://www.hermann-theis.de/