Moeberg, Susanne - Gallery of intuitive paintings include oil on canvas. Offers posters and postcards. Includes artist's background information. In English and Danish. -
Marinho Regia - Slide show of abstract expressionist paintings in a multilayered 'lines and dots' style filled with vigorous movement and rich color. The site also includes information about the New York based artist as well as a "buy it now" and shopping cart -
Marigmen, Bernardo - Figures are characterized by the marriage of literal poetry and an individual style in paintings by the Chicago artist. Includes biography and photos. -
Maddick, Russell - award-winning Chicago artist, known for his contemporary, color field, abstract and expressionistic painting -
McAuliffe, Christine - This artist of County Cork, Ireland, has painted abstract paintings based on the book of Genesis. Images, statements, and purchase. -
Mechtilt - Images of paintings by the late Dutch painter and writer Mechtilt. Includes curriculum vitae and some of her writings. English and French. -
Martinez, Soraida - Hard-edged abstract painting and social commentary. -
Martinez, Edward ("Scape") - Post graffiti, expressionist urban art. Samples of cutting edge abstract work in a variety of media, primarily painting. -
Misa, Aihara - Small selection of non-representational works by a Japanese painter. Images and curriculum vitae. -
Minciel, Eugeniusz - Personal site of Polish artist. Pictures, exhibitions and other information. In Polish and English. -