Kalcina, Ivan - Works by a Sarajevo-born artist living in Italy. Includes images and biography. - http://ivankalcina.glisco.it/
Kamran, Shireen - A collection of oil paintings, inspired by Sufism. Includes artist statement and list of exhibitions. - http://www.shireenkamrangallery.com/
Kedrin, Alexander - A collection of abstract and symbolic oil paintings and sculptures by artist from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, living in America. The works are executed in a style of "mystical, abstract romanticism". - http://kedrin.com/
Kazavchinski, Mark and Mila - Original artwork for home or office by artists based in Toronto. Abstracts, landscape, still life. - http://www.milagallery.com/
Kraft, Ernst - A Dutch-born painter of abstracts working in Spain. Images and extracts from critical articles. - http://www.ernstkraft.com/
Kunze, Eva - Exhibiting sfumato, monochromatic oil paintings. - http://www.evakunze.de/
Koller, Kathy - Creates mixed media paintings on paper, using various materials. - http://www.kkoller.com/
Kang, Ehja - Kang's canvases reflect a marriage of lyrical abstraction and abstract expressionism. She begins her day with prayer and meditation and applies gesso - chalk mixed with glue - to a raw canvas. - http://www.ehjakang.com/
Krebs, Patsy - Abstract painter exhibiting nationally. Also specializes in light and space design for small meditation rooms and chapels. - http://www.patsykrebs.com/
Khoury, Sari - The official website of the artwork and life of Professor Sari Khoury. - http://www.khouryart.org/
Kriz, Milan - Here you'll find the opus of this Czech - Venezuelan academic artist. - http://www.milankriz.com/
Kolo, Slawomir - Exhibits abstract and symbolic paintings on canvas and paper. In English and Polish. - http://www.kolo.art.pl/
Krebs, Katie - Portfolio of oils on canvas and gouaches on paper. Includes Biography. - http://www.katiekrebs.net/
Koehler, John - Contemporary abstract paintings by Chicago based artist John Koehler. Includes artist's statement, biography and list of upcoming exhibitions. - http://www.johnfkoehler.com/
Klenman, Daphne D.J. - Online gallery of the renowned late west coast artist. Works include paintings, prints, drawings and limited edition greeting cards. - http://members.shaw.ca/DJKGallery/