Oil Painting for Beginners by Andrew Whyte - Provides an introductory page from his course notes and a question and answer service. - http://www.andrewwhyte.com/painting/tutorials.htm
Oil Painting Techniques - In theory and practice, from aesthetics to selling completed works. An organized collection of notes covering many aspects of this medium. - http://www.oil-painting-techniques.com/
Bruce Kaminski: Painting Technique - Step by step demonstration of pure oil color and an egg oil emulsion. Combines the vibrant color of oil paint with the intensity and durability of tempera. - http://www.brucekaminski.com/process/
Karen Patton Studios - Karen Patton sells a series of instructional videos, and also gives workshops in various parts of the United States. Also does commissioned portraits. - http://www.portraits4you.com/
NaturePainter Digital Canvas - Software to learn and practice oil painting right on your computer. Trial version available. - http://www.naturepainter.net/
Suite 101: Oil Painting - From stretching canvas, to mixing oil colour, to discussions. Archive of articles. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/oil_painting