Gourd Art Gallery - Bowls, shamans, dolls and masks. - http://www.maverickcreations.com/art-gallery/gourd-art/gourd-art.html
Gourds Unmasked - Original and unique gourd art by K. Denise Wally. - http://www.gourdsunmasked.com/
Tricia Burbank - Elegant gourds inspired by nature and the indigenous cultures of the world. - http://www.triciaburbank.com/gourdart/index.html
Linda Deniston - Has an array of gourd boxes decorated with watercolored leaves, bread warmers, beaded, and chicken gourds as well as original cloth needle-sculpted art dolls. - http://denistonpeavler.bravehost.com/
Jasmin Galleries - Locations in both La Jolla and Laguna Beach, California. Specializing in home and office decor. - http://www.jasmingalleries.com/
Terry Plapp-Frank - This site features accent pieces and jewelry. - http://www.creativeaccentsbyterry.com/
Vitality Art - Vitality Art offers museum quality gourd carvings. Heiloom Christmas designs, Reflections of Nature, the Sisters design as well as Asian, Tribal and Celtic works. - http://www.vitalityart.com/
JRA Gourd Art - Gourd art by Jenn Avery. Gallery includes pyroengraved birdhouses, bowls and ornaments. - http://www.jragourdart.com
Reni Schaeffer - Teneriffe and tapestry weaving, coiling and other natural fibers techniques on gourds. - http://frontiernet.net/~ReniSchaeffer/
Art on Natures Canvas - Handmade, one of a kind painted gourds. - http://www.artonnaturescanvas.com/
Gourd Bits and Bytes - Free resource newsletter for gourd crafters. Includes information on growing, cleaning and working with gourds. - http://www.gourdbits.com/
The Gourd Guy - The official website of the Gourd Guy, including his daily gourd growing blog, gourd seeds, gourd gear and more. - http://www.gourdguy.com/
French Gourd Art - French artist creates utility and decorative objects from gourds. - http://www.toutenkalbas.com/
Elemental Arts - Original gourd vessels and masks. - http://www.gourdweb.com/
Sylvia's Gourd Art - Gourds embellished with natural materials. - http://www.funpetpals.com/gourdart1.htm
Amy Bond - Gourd art and mixed media art. There are informational pages and many pictures of raw as well as decorated gourds. - http://www.amybond.com/
Creekside Crafts - Ceremonial gourd rattles inspired by research of ancient cultures. - http://www.goddessrattles.com/
EarthGourds - Functional gourds created with natural materials. - http://www.earthgourds.com/
Gourd Creations - Unique gourd dolls by Diane Piccola. Also includes baskets, bowls, jewelry, and animals made from gourds. - http://www.gourdcreations.net/
Gourder's Magazine - The only online magazine whose target audience is people who love gourds. Includes technical information for beginning and advanced gourders, step-by-step tutorials and insightful articles about working with gourds. - http://www.gourdmagazine.com/
Arizona Gourd Creations - Distinctive gourd art by Bonnie Gibson. Site includes step-by-step instructions of Southwestern gourd projects from start to finish, free tutorials and activities. Gourd crafting supplies and tools are available. - http://www.arizonagourds.com
Leah Comerford Designs - Fine-dot rendering with a wood burner on gourds. Tutorials and kits also available. - http://www.leahgourds.com/
GypsyWitch Curios - Gourd art by Gypsy. Birdhouses, vases, jars, bird feeders using nature provided embellishments. - http://www.gypsywitchcurios.com/
Gourds from the Garden - Hand painted and coiled pine needle gourds. Gourd painting patterns and pine needle kits. Gourd oil lamps and kits also available. - http://www.gourdsfromthegarden.net/
Cindy Lee Art Studio - An eclectic collection of original fine art on gourds. Vessels, musical instruments and many decorative pieces in a variety of ethnic styles. - http://www.cindyleeartstudio.com/
Ginger Summit - Renown gourd artist, lecturer and author. Includes information on past and present books in print, biography, and photo gallery. - http://www.gingersummit.com/
Paintings by Hellen - Unique painted, pyroengraved, and coiled gourds by Barry and Hellen Martin. Includes an extensive gallery of old and new world Santa gourds. - http://www.paintingsbyhellen.com/
Celebrate Creation Gourd Art - Rattles, bowls, vases, containers and candles by Candie Koehn. Techniques including pyrography, carving, inlay, and painting with acrylics and watercolor. - http://www.celebratecreation.com/
Gourds by Rhoda - Pine needle weaving and wildlife gourd art by Rhoda Forbes. Includes picture gallery, artist biography, patterns and ordering information. - http://www.gourdsbyrhoda.com/
Gourds by Jeanie - The fine art of growing, creating and sharing gourds. - http://www.gourdsbyjeanie.com/
Turtle Feathers - Award winning Gourd Art by Ronna Wuttke. Includes a gallery of current and past gourds, show schedule, gourd crafting supplies and tutorials. - http://www.turtlefeathers.com/
Gourdette - Gourd purses, bowls and sculpture by Sioux George. - http://www.gourdette.com/
Nature's Pottery - Decorative teapots, rabbits and contemporary bird scultpures made from gourds. - http://www.naturespottery.com/
The Gourd Reserve - Whimsical and patriotic gourds by Dan and Carmella Dunkin. Also offers gourders hand cream, gourd charts, reports, pollination techniques and safety articles. - http://www.thegourdreserve.com/
Gourds by Mary - Hand painted decorative birdhouses, bowls, and rattles made from gourds. - http://www.gourdsbymary.com/
Contemporary Artifacts - Features gourd art using modern, experimental design to produce many varieties of crafts, including leaf, masks, decorative and embellished birdhouses. - http://www.contemporaryartifacts.com
Prairie Gourds - Ethnic, abstract, and realistic gourd art by Mira Mickler. - http://www.prairiegourds.com/
Oh my Gourd - Native inspired gourd bowls, vases, ornaments, masks, and ceremonial rattles from Deborah Arnold. Includes biography, gallery locations and ordering information. - http://www.ohmygourd.com/
Native Gourd - Unique selection of Native American gourd art by Rosa Galyean. Includes picture gallery, artist biography and ordering information. - http://www.nativegourd.com/
Gourd Art Galleries - Unique gourd art by Deborah Easley. Styles ranging from oriental to primitive, bowls, dioramas and contemporary jewelry. - http://www.gourdartgalleries.com/