Owl Tipi Art - Harley and Monika Zephier's Dakota/Lakota art. - http://www.owltipi.com
Clayborn Originals - Native American artwork and pottery from the West Indian and Dakota Tribes. - http://clayborn-originals.com
Barbera, Marie - Figurative bronze sculptures, depicting Native American women, warriors, children, horses, and wildlife. - http://www.mariebarbera.com
Steve Forbis Gallery - Steve Forbis, an artist specializing in contemporary American Indian culture. - http://steveforbis.com
Luna Negro native style crafts - Contemporary craft designs in beadwork and leather emulating the styles of the First Nations Peoples. - http://www.lunanegro.net/
Kirby Sattler Paintings - Acrylic on canvas portraits of American Indians. - http://kirbysattler.sattlerartprint.com/
Earthcraft - Judy Bullard's traditional crafts (hoop drums, rattles, baskets and symbolic shields) from all-natural materials. - http://earthcraft.net
Bearwolf - Native American art reproductions. Beadwork, quillwork and other media. - http://www.bearwolf-reproductions.net
Earth Spirit Masks - Artist of tribal masks, art masks, and Native American art masks - http://www.earthspiritmasks.com
Noles Fine Art - Art depicting the Native American lifestyle with an emphasis on women and children. - http://www.nolesfineart.com
Jack Gibson Bronze Sculpture - Jack Gibson's original figurative sculptures and West Coast Native art commissions. - http://www.jackgibsongallery.com
Art by Knicki - Western Canadian stone carving, printmaking and wood carving. - http://www.knicki.com
Contemporary Northwest Coast Art - Traditional and contemporary Northwest Coastal art by James Bender. Includes architectural decorations, totem poles, jewelry, transformation masks, and boxes. - http://nwart-jpbender.com/
Future Artifacts - Dale Cannon's flintknapping artwork, hand pressure flaked stone knives, handmade chevron beads and the gerzean gallery. - http://www.futureartifacts.com
Rock Art Images - Specializing in reproductions of prehistoric Native American rock art of the southwesten U.S. utilizing natural sands and mineral pigments from southern Utah. - http://rockartimages.com
Piitas Ceremonial Drums - Indian-style drums, rattles, and pipes for sale by Peter Vanderkooy (non-native). - http://piitasdrums.com
Charles Frizzell Visionary Art - Paintings of Native Americans and animals by a non-native artist. - http://iasos.com/artists/frizzell/
The Art of M.S. Hollis - Paintings of American Indians and western wildlife. - http://www.mshollis.com
Rock Art Petroglyphs - Petroglyphs photographed at southwest rock art sites accurately carved into stone for wall or shelf display in your home or office. - http://www.sandcarveddesigns.com/
Ancient Artways Studio - Specializing in custom quillwork, beadwork, leatherwork, restoration and museum reproductions of Native American art, artworks and artifacts. - http://www.ancientartways.com
White Bear Creations - Native American inspired handcrafts, fetishes, medicine bags, and Renaissance items. - http://www.whitebearcreations.com
Frantisek Kodras - Frank Kodras is a professional artist/artisan who has long been involved with the accurate recreation of native arts and crafts. - http://www.kodras.com/
Rock Art Pottery by James Q. Jacobs - Photorealistic representations of prehistoric rock art glyphs. - http://www.jqjacobs.net/art/pottery.html
Discover Art! Paintings by Vincent James Richardson - Works and paintings by Vincent James Richardson, with underlying spirituality and Mayan influence, done in pumice and acrylic colors. - http://www.home.earthlink.net/~vincent1234/discoverart.html
LaRose Art - Paintings, drawings, and prints by Lynn LaRose featuring southwest, Indian, and cowboy art. - http://www.laroseart.com/
Billman, Blaine - Alaskan and Pacific Northwest Coast totem and wildlife art. - http://www.northwest-art.com/