WaterturtleWeaver - Basket weaving, beads, classes and supplies. - http://www.waterturtleweaver.com
DST Creativity - Artwork by Daniel Tom. Stone carvings, jewelry, wall panel designs, tomahawk sculptures and paintings or prints. - http://www.dstcreativity.ca/
Santa Fe Indian Trading Company - Native American arts, jewelry, pottery and folk art from Navajo, Zuni, Hopi and local Northern New Mexico Pueblo indians and Spanish artists. - http://www.sfitc.com
Native American Jewelry-Fetishes-Pottery - Traditional art from Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico. Featuring the Weahkee family of fetish carvers; owned by Eleanor Lefthand. - http://www.agalleryofnations.com
Okahoma Artist Bill Sudderth - Indian art,horse paintings and pet portraits,mixed media from a premier artist. - http://www.billsudderthoklahomaartist.com/
From Earth to Hand - Burnt art on gourds using traditional embellishments and colors. - http://www.fromearthtohand.com
Metis Art by A. Bouvette - Presentation of woodland style paintings by American Metis artist Ayla Bouvette. - http://www.bouvette.com
Alder Arts - Wood carvings in the style of the Pacific northwest native peoples by artist and carving instructor Robert Barratt. - http://www.alderarts.com
Orenda Original Native Creations - Regalia, personal creations, healing flutes, and jewelry by Mohawk native Bradd (Thaweno':ken) Powless. - http://www.orendaflutes.com/
Bruce Barry - Native American artist. Colourful traditional icons and mixed media paintings. - http://www.brucebarry.ca
Albino Crow Gallery - Peggy O'Neal's native American art, paintings, murals, dioramas and prints. - http://www.albinocrowgallery.com
Paul Bruneau - Ojibway stone carver. - http://paulbruneau.ca
Blackmore Pottery - Native pottery and biographical information regarding the art of Marvin Blackmore. - http://www.blackmorepottery.net/
EmaskS - For and about Eric Schweig, actor and artist, focusing primarily on his Inuit mask carvings. - http://eschweig.lori-h.com/
Robin Polhamus, Osage Artist/Muralist - Offers murals and paintings on a full line of products. From cards to brief cases. Find photos of many of her most famous murals, paintings, and logos. - http://osageartist.com/
Timothy Mohan - Member of the Métis Nations of British Columbia and Ontario. His paintings combine eastern and western native art. - http://www.timothymohan.com
Blue Sky Turquoise - Information about handmade Native American jewelry from the Southwest, including Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni. - http://www.blueskyturquoise.com/
Butchered Reason - Short stories, prose, pics, absurdity from a Native point of view, Ojibberish. - http://www.reasonbutcher.blogspot.com
The official site of Bill and Traci Rabbit, Rabbit Studios - The official site of Bill and Traci Rabbit, Rabbit Studios, beautiful indian art, gilee's, gift items, limited editions and signed prints, framed reflections - http://billandtracirabbit.com
Stone Canoe Gallery - Native american beadwork and clothing by Mohawk artist Niioieren Perkins. - http://www.stonecanoegallery.com
Buffalo Horn Artforms - Lakota artist Kevin Pourier's jewelry and cultural items made from buffalo horn. - http://kevinpourier.com
Metis Artists Christi Belcourt and Elder Wilfred Peltier - The collected works of Metis artist Christi Belcourt and the written words of Odawa elder Wilfred Peltier. Both artists live in Ottawa, Ontario. - http://www.thebreath.com/christibelcourt.html
May'O Brunet - New Style of Native Arts & Crafts - http://www.bitburn.org/mayo/
Western Art by Michele Zarb - Native artwork, Indian portraits, oil paintings. Stories of aboriginal culture and history. - http://www.michelezarb.com/
RNH Arts - Renee New Hejazeen, acrylic painter of primitive wildlife/tribal dream art; originals and giclee prints. - http://www.rnharts.com
Regat Studio - Alaskan artists Jacques and Mary Regat work in bronze, lithography, wood, and oils focusing on wildlife, native legends and stylized people. - http://www.regatstudio.com
West Coast Originals - Handcrafted figures based on west coast First Nations history and culture. - http://www.westcoastoriginals.ca/
Jessie Ghere Feather - Oklahoma artist specializing in Native American art, as well as nature and wildlife. - http://jessiegherefeather.com/
Lisa Chavez-Thomas - Authentic Native American wood works and gourds, by Lisa Chavez-Thomas of the Pueblo of Isleta. - http://www.chavez-thomas.com
Paul J Price - Paintings of the Luiseno people, landscapes, figures, and florals. - http://www.pauljprice.com
Storyteller's House - Haudenosaunee artist Natasha Smoke Santiago's gallery, with her paintings, pottery, sculptures and crafts. - http://www.storytellershouse.com
Anado McLauchlin - San Miguel de Allende artist. - http://www.madebyanado.com/
Lakota Art Studio - Native American paintings and Southwest ceramic art by artist Rob Plutt. - http://www.lakotaartstudio.com
Medicine Bird - The art and music of Blue Spruce Standing Deer of Taos Pueblo in Northern New Mexico. - http://www.medicinebird.net
Eric C. Keast - Ojibway Ahnishnahbeh painter and sculptor. - http://www.artmajeur.com/erickeast/
Canyon Creation - Joy Stickney-Markgraf, artist, writer, illustrator and photographer. - http://www.canyoncreation.com/
Absalokan Arts - Absalokan (Crow) Indian artwork by Rod "Curtis" Old Bull. - http://www.absalokanarts.citymaker.com
Ben Three Eagles - Cherokee artist creating with mixed media: acrylic, charcoal, pen and ink, and pencil. - http://princewebz.com/B3E/
Dawnhawk Gallery - Watercolor and acrylic paintings, most also available as prints. Oglala Lakota artists Arthur Short Bull and Kate Wootton. - http://www.dawnhawk.org
Native American Forensic Artist Harvey Pratt - Cheyenne artist specializing in witness description drawing, skull recontruction, photo retouching, skull tracing and age progression. - http://www.harveypratt.com/
Kirk Brant - Kirk Brant is a Native American (Mohawk) artist using mixed media elements such as paper, crushed stones, porcupine quills and acrylic paints. - http://www.kirkbrant.com
Jean Lloyd, Metis Artist - Spirit Wheels symbolize love, peace and prosperity. Symbolic meanings vary according to the medicines contained within. - http://www.visac.kics.bc.ca/Artists/jeanlloyd.html
Donna Brinkworth's Woodlands Art - Woodlands and oriental style paintings and other artwork by Ojibway artist. - http://www3.telus.net/public/hawkeyel/donna/main.html
Animal Spirit Carvings - Mary Lou BigCanoe's bone and antler carvings. - http://animalspiritcarvings.com
Native American Fine Art by Karen Noles - Paintings of Indian children and young women, from the Flathead Indian reservation in west central Montana. - http://www.karennoles.com/
Earl Biss - Paintings by Earl Biss, of Indians leaving the land crossing to the spiritual side. - http://www.earl-biss.com
Bunky Echo-Hawk - Bunky Echo-Hawk's art, depicting the current state of Native America. - http://www.bunkyechohawk.com/
Guéganne Galerie Studio - Native geometric paintings and stylized stone sculpture. - http://gueganne.com
Hulleah J. Tsinhnahjinnie - Aboriginal (Dine/Seminole/Muscogee) photographer and artist for 30 years, creates political and community artwork specifically for an indigenous audience. - http://www.hulleah.com/
Judith J. Burgarella - Historical Native American Indian paintings, focus on culture and history. - http://jburgarella.com/index.htm
Andrea Wilbur Sigo, Northwest Coast Salish artist - A gallery of fine art by Northwest Coast Salish artist Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, including bentwood boxes, masks and prints. A history of the artist and Squaxin Island and Skokomish Tribes. - http://www.andreawilbursigo.com
Stewart Steinhauer Stone Sculpture - Combining the personal and the global: art, spirituality, politics, and economy, in one place, at one time. - http://www.indigenius.biz
Stan Hill's Carvings - Bob D'Alimonte's personal site with a tribute to the work and life of Stanley R. Hill, Sr.; his bone carvings and the short film "Carving Out a Legend." - http://www.dalimonte.net
James Luna - Native American contemporary installation and performance artist. Lusieno Indian, La Jolla Reservation, San Diego, California. - http://www.jamesluna.com
Patrick Scott Feather Fans - Ceremonial, peyote and pow-wow fans of macaw, pheasant, and parrot feathers; snakewood peyote gourd rattles by Navajo Artist. - http://www.ceremonialart.biz
Little Trees Creations - Little Trees Creations offers quality Native American drums, drum kits, wreaths, and art. All products are handmade by Linda "Little Tree" Silvas. - http://www.littletreescreations.com/
America Meredith's Portfolio - Image gallery of paintings, drawings, prints, and beadwork. Upcoming shows and markets, artist's statement and vita, related links. - http://www.ahalenia.com/america/
Dawn Oman Art Gallery - Yellowknife Metis artist's gallery of original paintings, art cards, silk scarves, and stained glass. - http://www.dawnoman.com
Queneesh Studios Inc. - Jewelry, carvings, and other art by Richard Krentz, a Coast Salish artist of the Shi'sha'lth (Sechelt) nation. - http://www.krentz.com/
Cherokee Images - Gallery of fine pottery by Cherokee artist Ken Masters. - http://www.cherokeeimages.com/
The Art Of Wayne Wildcat - Oil paintings from this mixed-blood Yuchi artist. - http://www.waynewildcat.com
The Art of Janet Kierstead - Acrylic paintings of Native American subjects done in a contemporary style. - http://www.janetkierstead.com/
Alaskan Native basketry and weavings by Teri Rofkar - Alaska Native weaver Teri Rofkar features her Tlingit spruce root basketry, and Raven's tail wool weavings. Museum quality baskets, and robes, as well as exhibits and show information are listed. - http://terirofkar.com
Bear Paw Gallery - Mary Anne Caibaiosai - Ojibway Artist - Ojibway Art by Mary Anne Caibaiosai. Native American Art. Aboriginal Art gallery. Portraits, drawings, paintings, watercolors, of elders and historical figures. Indigenous peoples links. - http://www.bearpawgallery.com/
Don Chase, Canadian Native Artist - Canadian Native artist; three dimensional imagery, explosive colours and flowing contours. - http://www.donchase.com
A Deeper Look Inside - Native Art - Ojibwa artist LauraLee K. Harris presents a unique work of acrylic paintings on wood, along with poetry. - http://www.lauraleekharris.com/
tsimshian-gallery.com - Traditional Tsimshian art and carvings such as: totempoles, masks, headdresses, paddles, canoes, boxes, rattles, plaques, bowls, etc. 20 years of woodcarving experience and knowledge of tsimshian art and culture. - http://www.tsimshian-gallery.com
Susan Point @ Deschutes Gallery - Susan Point of the Salish speaking Northwest Coast Natives. View Susan's glass carvings, prints and wood work at Deschutes Gallery. - http://www.deschutesgallery.com/point.html
Clay Sculptress - Works in clay by Native Artist Joyce Sisneros. Female, Grandfather, Grandmother, and animal storytellers. - http://www.joycesisneros.com
Comanche Indian Artist and Sculptor - Gordon Tonips - Homepage for Gordon Tonips, a Comanche and Kiowa indian artist and sculptor. He specializes in sandstone rock sculptures modeled after ancient Anasazi rock dwellings. - http://www.comancheartist.com
BC Native Artist Bill Helin Designs - BC Tsimshian native artist Bill Helin designs gold and palladium jewelry such as wedding bands,love rings and pendants. Bills designs include Columbia Space Shuttle Crew Patch worn by the astronauts of the Columbia Mission,and Gold pendants for NASA. - http://billhelin.com
TerryLee Whetstone - Showcases his Native American artwork, limited edition art prints, and flute music. - http://www.terrywhetstone.com/default.htm#art
Native American Pottery - Hand Crafted clay and metal - Using earth, fire, water and air, Ed Gray has interwoven his native culture to create images from his past. His work portrays ceremonial use by honoring the traditions they represent. - http://www.edgraystudio.com
Shan Goshorn - Site of Eastern Band Cherokee artist/activist Shan Goshorn and the art of hand-tinted black and white photography. - http://www.shangoshorn.com
Button Blanket Robes by Northwest Coast artist Clarissa Hudson - Tlingit Indian, Alaskan Native artist and weaver Clarissa Hudson creates button blankets, Chilkat blankets, teaches weaving and art, is also a painter and works in collage, fabric, beads, and woodcarving. - http://clarissahudson.com
Stone Edge Archery and Knapping - Charlie Acuna makes bows, arrows, and knapped stone arrowheads, spearpoints and knives with traditional methods and materials. - http://stonedge.com
Tony Abeyta Studios - Navajo paintings in various media. - http://www.tonyabeyta.com
SkyHawkFireHeart Website - Blackfeet artist SkyHawk's unique vision of his people and of other peoples all around the world - http://www.skyhawkfireheart.com
KemoSabe design - American Indian Artist trying to make the visual world a little more pleasing to the eye. Graphic design, Original art work, Indian legend, logos and web design. - http://www.kemosabedesign.com