Steven Vail Fine Arts - Focuses on late 19th century, and 20th century European and American art. Includes list of artists and exhibitions. Open by appointment only. Located in Des Moines. -
Moberg Gallery - Contemporary gallery representing fine Midwest artists working in mediums including paintings, metalworks, glass, mixed media, and large and small interior and exterior sculpture. -
Hudson River Art Gallery and Frame Shop - Iowa City gallery exhibits works by international, regional and Iowa area artists. Also offers conservation framing. -
Kavanaugh Art Gallery - A family owned and operated gallery specializing in investment quality fine art and fine art reproductions, sculptures and antiques. Includes sample artist list and upcoming events. Located in West Des Moines. -
Arts on Grand - Art Council presents monthly art displays from a variety of artisans from the area of Spencer. -
The Framing Nook - Cherokee, IA gallery offering decorative artwork. -
Heritage Art Galleries - Two locations, Cedar Falls and Waterloo, IA. The Galleries offer many of the top published artist in the market today. -