Leonardo On-Line - Listed here is a selection of articles some of which were featured in the Leonardo Journal. - http://www.leonardo.info/
Benedict Visual Literacy Collection - Sponsored by Arizona State University Libraries, this link is an educational resource intended to promote research and study in the field of visual literacy. Includes information about visual literacy manuscript, book, and media holdings in conjunction wi - http://www.asu.edu/lib/archives/benedict/
Reading the Image: A Visual Literacy Project - Helps teachers teach about the function of images and symbols in society. Using museums students learn about concepts, techniques and people in exhibitions of contemporary and historical artworks. - http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/departments/NAM/RTI/
Iconography and Iconology - The art terms iconography and iconology are defined, described and illustrated in this installment of Biddington's Pedigree & Provenance. - http://www.biddingtons.com/content/pedigreeicon.html
The Media and Communication Studies Site - Daniel Chandler's site includes information and links to online articles on visual images and film studies amongst the variety of topics. - http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Functions/mcs.html
Encyclopedia of Educational Technology - A collection of short articles organized around five main areas relating to educational technology: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Many of the entries cover items relating to the visual aspects of educational technology. Th - http://coe.sdsu.edu/eet/