Idyllwild Arts - High School offering training in creative writing, dance, music, theater, visual and interdisciplinary arts. Summer Program offers arts workshops and special events for all ages. -
Sharon's Art-Rageous Website - Sharon's Art-Rageous! website features examples of student artwork, art lesson plans, resources for art teachers, genealogical resources (including family history reports, wills, deeds and photographs), and information about contra dancing and Celtic musi -
San Francisco Children's Art Classes - Offers children's art classes and birthday parties, community outreach, and art rental programs. -
Art Activities for Children - Online art activities for children including paint kit, coloring book, caricature the candidates, drop and drag a Washington portrait, and official paint by numbers poll -
Fantastical Forest - Art classes for toddlers through fourth graders at the Riverside Art Center in Tennessee as well as online classes. -
Art Kids - A fun and educational art environment for creative kids up to 9 years old. The site includes sketch books, colouring books and games. Kids can submit their own drawings for the gallery. -
Art in the School, Inc. - Art in the School Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing art education to elementary-age children through the public school system. Organized as community service project, Art in the School has grown to publish thematic teacher guides use -
Children's Art - A classroom site that is also beneficial to children and adults who are interested it trying new art ideas. -
Children Art and Books - The best place to nurture, develop and build the artistic talent, imagination and creativity for children during their vital years. -
Arts Attack - Visual art education curriculum for the Elementary School - award winning hands-on video based developmental program teaching arts elements & principles. - - Interactive art education that discovers the creativity in elementary students. Homeschool CD-ROM Edition available at our discount art supply e-store. -