Perkins, Tom and Goffe, Gaynor - Letter-carver and calligrapher provide image galleries and biographical information. United Kingdom. -
Noad, Timothy - Calligrapher and illuminator, Fellow of both the Society of Scribes and Illuminators and the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society. Includes biography and gallery of work. -
Ingmire, Thomas - Calligraphy and handwriting workshops, commissioned illuminations, gallery collection. Scriptorium St. Francis is an International Calligraphy Correspondence Program founded in 1996 and directed by Thomas Ingmire. -
Raw, Stephen - Artist explores the gestural abstraction of the imagery of letterforms themselves. Provides catalog of works, biography and exhibitions. -
Brown, Denis - Calligraphy and letter art by Dublin, Ireland based artist. Provides workshops, gallery and biography. -
Jackson, Martin - Gallery of work includes design and fine art pieces. Provides information on courses and lectures. -
Larcher, Jean - Lettering artist and calligrapher provides gallery original works including monograms and logos. Includes bibliography and list of workshops. -
Skinner, James - Accredited tutor for CLAS, The Calligraphy Lettering and Arts Society, provides courses, workshops and lectures. Gloucestershire, UK. -
Black, Gemma - Australian calligrapher and text artist provides workshops for formal lettering and allied arts. Includes gallery of work and contact details. -