Folk Art Findings Assemblage Art - A delightful collection of assemblages from nature, natural objects and personal memorabilia. -
Tribe: Altered Books - Group for those obsessed with altering books, collage and Antiquarian Art. All things paper and pulp including textiles. -
Yahoo! Groups: AssemblageArt - For established or emerging assemblage artist or even interested in theoretical or art historical discussion of assemblage art. Critiques, discussion, marketing, methods, materials are all topics which many may be interested in exploring. -
Art Erratica - Group of artists who share a unique vision and a dedication to work that is meaningful, innovative, and of course, erratic. Our work tends to be out of the mainstream, a bit off-center, odd, or funky. -
The Zymoglyphic Museum - Contains art, artifacts, and natural history from the Zymoglyphic culture, whose creative output relies mainly on the assemblage of natural objects. -
Yahoo! Groups: AssemblageArtists - A forum for artists interested in exploring assemblage. The members of this group will exchange information, ideas and techniques for creating the assemblage art form. -