Absurd Television Trivia - Collection of user-submitted trivia quizzes, ranked by quality and difficulty. - http://www.absurdtrivia.com/television_trivia.php
TV Popquiz - TV trivia game. Subjects include television, cartoons, sit-coms, soap operas, game shows and dramas. - http://www.coolquiz.com/quizzes/television/
Trivia Bytes - TV audio clip trivia game. - http://www.coolquiz.com/quizzes/moviesounds/
Forward It - Tests your knowledge of TV characters and shows. - http://www.forwardit.com/
Nostalgia Central - Informative reference guide to television of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Contains brief overview of each decade with links to pictures and facts about tv shows from the era. - http://www.nostalgiacentral.com
TV Tunes Online: TV Trivia - Trivia in the form of quizzes for several television shows organized by type. - http://www.tvtunesonline.com/trivia/index.asp
TV Show Trivia and Fun Facts - Tidbits of information and history on shows from the 1950s to the present. Includes celebrity entertainment news. - http://www.tvcrazy.net/tvclassics/americantv/
TV and Movie Trivia Tribute - Challenge your knowledge of TV shows and movies. - http://www.triviatribute.com
Fun Trivia Portal - Television trivia games and quizes. - http://www.funtrivia.com/quizlist.cfm?type=cat&cat=23
RewardTV - Trivia games for primetime television shows, allowing you to earn points and redeem them for prizes. - http://www.rewardtv.com
Television Trivia and Facts - Television trivia, facts, and interesting information. - http://www.funtrivia.com/Entertainment/Television.html