WTAE 4 - Pittsburgh. Includes news, weather, sports, station information, and community events. [ABC] - http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/
WPHL 17 - Philadelphia. News, weather, programming schedule, and community events. [WB] - http://wb17.trb.com/
CBS 3 - Philadelphia. News, weather, sports and programming. [CBS] - http://cbs3.com/
WLYH-TV - Harrisburg-York-Lancaster affiliate with program schedules. [UPN] - http://www.upn15.com/
WPCW-TV - Pittsburgh affiliate with programming schedule, news, sports, weather, and local links. [UPN] - http://www.upnpittsburgh.com/
WPSG 57 - Philadelphia. Programming schedule, community events, weather, and sports. [UPN] - http://www.wpsg.com/
WPSU - Penn State Public Broadcasting - University Park. Offers broadcast schedule, and information about community events, services, and membership. [PBS] - http://www.wpsu.org/
WYBE TV: We'll Take You There - Philadelphia. Information about programs, schedule, membership, volunteer and employment opportunities, and community events. [PBS] - http://www.wybe.org
WVIA Online - Pittston. Community events, broadcast schedule, and information on membership and local productions. - http://www.wvia.org/
WQLN - Erie. Features information on programming, member support, community events, and multimedia training. [PBS] - http://www.wqln.org
WQED - Pittsburgh. Includes programming schedule, community events, and station profile. [PBS] - http://www.wqed.org/
WITF - Public Broadcasting for central Pennsylvania. Information pertaining to the central Pennsylvania region. Restaurant guide, cultural activities, etc. [PBS] - http://www.witf.org
WTXF 29 Philadelphia - Program schedule, news, weather, sports, community events, and employment opportunities. - http://www.fox29.com/
WPMT 43 York - Headlines, sports, weather, program guide, employment opportunities, and information about the station and its sponsors. [FOX] - http://fox43.trb.com/
WPGH 53 Pittsburgh - Features news, weather, sports, contests, and employment opportunities. [FOX] - http://www.wpgh53.com
WYOU-TV 22 - Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. News, sports, storm center and programming guide. [CBS] - http://www.wyou.com
WSEE-TV 35 - Erie. Includes news and sports stories, editorials and features, information on staff and sports results through InstaSports. [CBS] - http://www.35wsee.com
WHP-TV 21 - Harrisburg. Network affiliate for Central PA listing news, sports, weather and TV Guide. [CBS] - http://www.whptv.com
KDKA-TV 2 - Pittsburgh. Provides news, programing, business directory and video archives. [CBS] - http://www.kdka.com
WPVI TV 6 - Philadelphia. Includes news, weather, traffic, and sports. [ABC] - http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/
WNEP 16 - Scranton. Includes news, weather, sports, and contact information. [ABC] - http://www.wnep.com
WHTM 27 - Harrisburg. News, weather, sports, community events, consumer reports, lottery results, and contests. [ABC] - http://www.whtm.com
WFMZ-TV Channel 69 - Allentown, PA - Features include local and regional news, weather, sports scores and area webcams. - http://www.wfmz.com
University Television: UTV13 - A Student-run television station of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Program schedule and station profile. - http://www.utv13.org/
WGCB Television 49 - Cable channel 49 in Pennsylvania. Contains schedule and programming. - http://www.wgcbtv.com
Pennsylvania Cable Network - PA House and Senate floor debates, hearings, press conferences and other programming which shows PA's politics, culture, people, business and history. - http://www.pcntv.com/