Di and Aiden - A message board for fans of a Di and Aidan pairing. - http://z6.invisionfree.com/Aidan_and_Di/
Crazii Love - A forum for fans of the couple JR and Babe to talk about the characters and the show. - http://z14.invisionfree.com/Jabealicious
Yahoo Message Boards - All My Children - A place for fans to discuss the show. - http://messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=topics&board=8904324&sid=8904324&type=r
AOL Message Boards - All My Children - An AOL managed message board for fans to talk about the show. - http://messageboards.aol.com/aol/en_us/boards.php?boardId=375798&func=2&channel=Television
Coffeerooms - All My Children - Message board for fans to talk about the show. - http://www.coffeerooms.com/forums/abc/amc/index.html
All My Children Discussion Group - Message board to discuss the show, includes links to other AMC websites. - http://mediadomain.com/amc/