G. Gordon Liddy Radio Show - Official Website
- The G-Man's purpose is to look through the night of nitwittery, cut through the political correctness, and blow away the bravo sierra to find the good, the true, the prudent and wise.
- http://www.liddyshow.us
Liddy Letter - Articles about G. Gordon Liddy's views, interests, and family activities. - http://www.liddyletter.com/
Liddy Defeats Wells/Dean - Discusses legal and historical aspects of the defamation of character suit brought against Liddy by former Democratic National Committee secretary, Ida "Maxie" Wells, and resolved in favor of Liddy. - http://www.watergate.com/stories/liddy.asp
Revisiting Watergate: Key Players: G. Gordon Liddy - Washington Post profile of the former FBI agent who helped plan the Watergate break-in and later capitalized on his notoriety by taking his political views to the airwaves. - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/onpolitics/watergate/liddy.html