Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra - Regularly broadcast on Minnesota Public Radio classical music stations. -
Marketplace - Public radio business and economic news and commentary. -
Sustainability - Features and reports on the subject from "Marketplace," "Marketplace Money," "Speaking of Faith" and "Weekend America." -
Word for Word - Weekly program highlighting a speech on topics in the news. Host profile and current episode audio stream and podcast. -
Future Tense - Five-minute daily technology news show broadcast alongside the CBC's "As It Happens." Site includes show summaries, streaming and MP3 audio, and host Jon Gordon's blog. -
Sound Opinions - "Rock 'n' roll talk show" produced by Chicago Public Radio. Show synopses, staff biographies, message board, reviews, streaming audio and MP3 podcast. -
Classical 24 - Nationally syndicated classical music service, produced by Minnesota Public Radio. -
The Writer's Almanac - Brief biographies and notable events associated with writers and particular days; aired and published weekly by Garrison Keillor and Minnesota Public Radio. -
Weekend America - A two-hour program designed to fit the weekend state of mind which features short, entertaining segments on newsmakers, issues of the day and the arts. -
The Splendid Table - Companion to the radio series which airs weekends nationwide (USA), providing listeners and browsers abundant information on food preparation, appreciation, and culture. -
Speaking of Faith - A weekly program produced and distributed by American Public Media. Each week it looks at the common and larger themes of American life through perspectives of faith, relying on a variety of traditions and speaking in the first person. -
Pipedreams - Companion site to the popular radio program. Schedule, list of radio outlets, details of instruments featured. -
Saint Paul Sunday: Mixed Company - A behind-the-scenes look at this classical music show, by its staff. -
Minnesota Orchestra - Broadcasts of the Minnesota Orchestra hosted by Brian Newhouse. -
American RadioWorks - Offers in-depth coverage of current events with a program archive going back to 1996. -
Saint Paul Sunday - Weekly classical music program. Information about the show and its recent and upcoming musical guests. -
A Prairie Home Companion - Weekly live talk show hosted by Garrison Keillor. Includes Real Audio clips, pictures, show rundowns, biographies, and shopping. -
American Public Media - Producer and national distributor of programs that include "A Prairie Home Companion" and "Marketplace." Links to program information and contact details. -
Minnesota Public Radio - Operates a regional network of 34 stations (not all of which are in Minnesota) and is a major station-based producer of public radio programs. -