Leboutte, Didier - Contains 45 stereo pictures in 3D of Thailand. Includes 45 stereo pictures of Grand palace, Ayutaya, the Lord Buddha, Bangkok. Viewable in anaglyph, parallel, cross eyes. - http://users.skynet.be/didier.leboutte
Stuckey, David - Information and techniques on 3D photography with photograph gallery. - http://www.acay.com.au/~dstuckey/framesetf.html
Petersik, Andreas - Stereoscopic image gallery concentrates on Euro subjects but also has extensive imagery on caves and medical subjects. - http://www.stereophotography.com/gallery/index.html
Larson, Eric - Anaglyph versions of stereographs of California deserts, Sierra Nevada, buildings, animals, and special effects. - http://www.3deric.com/
Knappe, Jens - Anaglyphic (red/ green) panoramas of Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Moscow and San Francisco. - http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~jenskna/3d-panorama.html
Egmond, Wim van - Dutch photographer's 3d art photography gallery. - http://www1.tip.nl/~t936927/index.html
Loube, Brian - Collection of anaglyphic 3D (red/blue) photography. - http://www.brianloube.com/3d/
Shelley, Dan - 3D anaglyphs (red/ cyan) and a comprehensive link-list to 3D photography. - http://www.dddesign.com/3dbydan