Rider, Paul - Limited edition fine art black and white photography. - http://prphoto.org/pages/fine_art.html
Garçon, Laurence - Documentary photographs of urban life. - http://www.urbanzoom.com
Shaw, Jennifer - Portfolio website of a New Orleans based fine art photographer. - http://jennifershaw.net
Kuehn, Geoffrey - Black and white photos from the urban streets of Arizona. - http://kuehn-photos.com
Moreau, Andre - Shows urban landscapes and street scenes. - http://www.andremoreau.com
Lehmus, J. - Black and white street photography. - http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org
Martinidez, Dave - New York City in black and white. - http://www.martinidez.com
Lyons, James H. - Black and white urban photography of Essex, England and London. - http://www.jhlpictures.fpic.co.uk
Lopez, Rey - Street, mannequin and abstract art photography. Includes digital landscapes. - http://home.pacbell.net/johnyoko/index.html
O'Neill, Joseph - Photographer Joseph O'Neill's large format images of Southern Ontario. - http://www.start.ca/users/joneil/
Ammaniti, Niccolò - Captures of everyday life on the streets. - http://digilander.libero.it/someshots/
Ladd, Jeffrey - Features a collection of people, New York street and subway photography. Includes galleries, biography, details of exhibitions and information about publications. - http://www.jeffreyladd.com/
Alt, Anne K. - Bridge and street level photographs of Chicago and Seattle. Includes artist statement. - http://www.sobs.org/photo/urbanlandscape/index.html
Jørgensen, Sune - Urban landscapes from England, Denmark, Italy and Norway. Features galleries and an artist biography. - http://www.sunejorgensen.dk/
Mühler, Roland - Photographs of architecture, manhole covers and some color works from Germany. Features galleries and a short artist biography. - http://roland-muehler.de/
Hoppe, Dieter - German photographer's photographs of New York City. - http://www.dieterhoppe.de/
Wilson, Alan - Street photography from Scotland, Ireland, and France. - http://www.streetphoto.fsnet.co.uk
Urwin, Richard - Urban photography around Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom. - http://www.urbanperspective.net/
Fuller, Matthew - Cityscapes of Rio, Havana and Paris. - http://www.matthewfullerphoto.com
Isom, Madeleine - Abstract architectural photography of New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and Paris. - http://www.madeleineisom.com/
Shukwit, Geralyn - Images of New York, Detroit, Washington. Includes a FDNY 9/11 memorial exhibit. - http://www.eyemaze.net/
Guarionex, Loran - Abstract images of architectural, and abstract street scenes such as doors, peeling paint, steps, and pavement. - http://www.myfotosite.com
Lazic, Leo - Collection of enigmatic urban landscapes from the UK. - http://www.templemonograf.freeuk.com/
Saxe, David - Urban scenes from Italy, and southern France. Primarily interiors, and exteriors of large, old buildings. - http://www.dsaxe.com/
Paulin, Frank - Street photography primarily of New York City in the 1950s. - http://www.frankpaulin.com/
Spirer, Jeff - Urban scenes, primarily in San Francisco. - http://www.spirer.com/
Gardiner, Rob - Street and night photography of New York City and London. - http://www.nyclondon.com
Czap, Nick - Features photographs of motel rooms and shop windows. Includes biography and interview with the artist. - http://www.nickczap.com/
Penrose Rands, Mervyn - Urban America in 1976. Mostly New York and California. - http://www.officearth.com
Newton, Larry - Urban images, primarily from New Orleans, as well as petroglyphs, and flowers. - http://www.ln-photos.com/
Hartmann, Mario - Mostly urban photography by this German photographer. New York, Berlin, and other locations. Some color photographs. - http://www.neophoto.de
Gamborg, Kristian - High contrast images of industrial abstracts. - http://home6.inet.tele.dk/gamborg/
Mencher, Eric - Urban scenes from around the world; Cuba, Spain, and Rwanda. - http://www.ericmencher.com
Resnick, Mason - New York City street photography. - http://www.photogs.com/pedestrianphotos
Reinhardt, Oliver - Urban photography from Europe, America and Australia. - http://www.basic-arts.de/
Pou, Jordi V. - Photographer living in Lleida, Spain; artistic photographs of big cities all around the world. - http://www.jordivpou.com
Jakobiec, Wojciech - Street photography from Canada, Morocco, and Europe. - http://www.wojciechjakobiec.com
Gintowt, Alexander - Candid images of New York City streets. - http://www.gintowt.de
Popovitch, Gregory - Black and white street photographs taken in Paris, New Mexico, San Francisco, Italy, Prague and New Orleans. - http://www.gpy.com/