Günther, Marcus - Landscape, wildlife and floral photographs from Ireland. Although mainly color, some infrared photography is shown. - http://www.marcusgunther.com
Glover, Doug - Includes a sampling of Canadian wildlife and landscape photography. - http://www3.sympatico.ca/doug.glover3/canwildlifephotos.htm
Gill, Jason - Landscape and nature photography from Newfoundland. - http://www3.nf.sympatico.ca/jasonsarah
Glazier, Alan - Hot air balloons, California vineyards, animals, butterflies, flowers, wild landscapes, and seascapes. - http://www.sonic.net/~aglazier/
Greene, Janie Moore - Back roads, meadows and forests of the South in her Dance of Nature Series. Southern wading birds and wildflowers with essays. - http://www.janiegreene.com/
Gregg, John - Landscapes of the southwest including Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce national parks, and the Sierra mountains. Petroglyphs from the Great Basin, and southwestern United States. - http://www.johngregg.com/
Gutierrez, Oscar - Nature, landscape and travel photography from National Parks in the US and Costa Rica. - http://www.ogphoto.com/