George Rockwood - A brief history and a few sample photographs by a prominent 19th-century New York City photographer. -
Alfonsas Budvytis Photography - This site has been developed in the memory of the great Lithuanian Photographer Alfonsas Budvytis. Here you will be able to have a look and enjoy some of his great masterpieces -
Bentley, Wilson (1865-1931) - Photographed snowflakes and snow crystals. Details about his life, techniques of photomicrography, and a virtual tour. CDs for sale. -
Vintage photos of the Scottish Highlands - Vintage photo diary of Scotland, & specifically the Scottish Highlands, taken between 1937 and 1960 by Norris Bridgens. -
Sechtl, Ignac and Josef (1840-1911, 1877-1953) - Pioneers of Czech photography. Created company Secthl & Vosecek that focused on photojournalism, fine art photography and cinematography. -
Deen Dayal, Lala (1844-1905) - Images of 19th Century India. Information on his pioneering techniques, his correspondence and a sight of the ancient studio. -
Andreev, Nikolai (1882-1947) - Russian master of pictorial photography. Scans from the original images. -