Riesberg, Jim - Emphasis on rustic, rural, Mid-Western Images. [Requires Flash] - http://jimsphotographics.com
Rivera, Juan Carlos - Nudes, portraits, and landscapes in monochrome. Images and biography. - http://www.juancarlosrivera.com/fotografia/inicio2.htm
Richards, Mark - Portfolio of documentary and miscellaneous images by a photographer based in California. [Requires Flash] - http://www.markrichards.com/
Rosso, Mike - Small collection of black and white photos from the western US, and color images of New York City in October 2001. - http://www.fourcornersphoto.com/
Ray, Elena - Immigrant, a one woman show of symbolist photos and poetry. - http://www.elenaray.com/
Roddie, Patrick - Portraits of women, scenes from Burning Man, nature, architecture and landscapes. - http://www.webbery.com