SWS Security
- Information for new users, and a large catalog of professionally serviced Minox 8x11 cameras.
- http://www.swssec.com/minox.html
Minox Processing Laboratories - Company that processes and sells Minox film, and equipment. Free pdf files of instruction books for older Minox cameras. - http://minoxusa.xxs3.de
Minox Doc - A general site from one of the experts in the field of Minox cameras. - http://www.minoxdoc.com
h2g2 : Minox Spy Cameras - What the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy has to say on the topic. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A538049
Don Krehbiel's Minox Page - Information on the camera, slitting, and loading; the developing tank, enlarging, references and galleries. - http://www.slonet.org/~mhd/minox/mnxt.htm
The Classic Camera Minox - Technical and historical information; descriptions and photos of Minox accessories. - http://cosmonet.org/camera/minox_e.htm
VEF RIGA Minox Forum - Discussion group devoted to Riga cameras. Includes references, photos, and assistance. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VEFRIGAMINOX/
Wonko's Minox Pages - A site of Minox art, practical use, and experimentation. - http://www.wonko.net/index.html
Minox GmbH - Corporate site for Minox in Germany. Information about new Minox Cameras and other equipment made by the company. Site is in English and German. - http://www.minox-web.de/
Minox Historical Society - This independent group is chartered with preserving and promoting everything to do with Minox, its cameras and other products, and its inventor Walter Zapp. - http://www.minox.org/index.html