Minolta; Boonedocks.net - Collection of Minolta links, plus a searchable archive of the Minolta mailing list. - http://boonedocks.net/photo/minolta/
Minolta Users Group - Features reviews, comparisons, and FAQs for various Minolta cameras and accessories. - http://www.sds.com/mug/
Yahoo! Groups: Manual Minolta - A discussion group for Minolta cameras, limited to manual focusing models. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/manualminolta/
Yahoo! Groups: minolta - Archive for a Minolta users' mailing list. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/minolta/
Minolta Photographs by Gary Walts - A professional photographer praises Minolta's wireless flash system. Several examples and lighting diagrams presented. - http://home.imcnet.net/~waltsman/flash.html
The Minolta XK / XM SLR - Specifications and user instructions for Minolta's 1971 pro-model SLR. - http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/hardwares/classics/minoltaxk/index.htm
The Minolta XD-7 Multimodes SLR Camera - Specifications, operating instructions, and message board for the first multimode SLR. - http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/hardwares/classics/minoltaxd711/index.htm