Struve-Dencher, Goesta - Stage director, designer, computer animator and visual artist in British Columbia, Canada. Portfolio features artwork, design for theatre, production stills, academic research and video work. -
Schieffer, Andrea - Professional voice for film, TV, video and radio. Speaks German, English and French, based in Paris. -
Sneed, Terry - Resume, news, and production history for stage and opera director, actor, playwright and theatre consultant. -
Silva-Marin, Guillermo - This stage director and producer offers insights into his career, his resume, contact information, and links to a variety of venues at which he has worked. -
Sweezy, Charles Otis - Portfolio of set, lights and costumes designer. Includes links to historical costumes resources and to the "International Theatre Design Archives." -
Siegert, Arila - Dancer and performer offers descriptions of current and past projects, her resume, and pictures of productions. -