- The official web site for the Riverdance company. Information on all three touring company's with photos, biographies, tour dates, message board, cast and crew interviews, and family news.
- http://www.riverdance.com
IOnVegas: Lord of the Dance - Information on show times, tickets, multimedia and images. - http://www.ionvegas.com/shlordof.htm
Rierdance/Irishdance Chatroom - Chat with like-minded people about Irishdance, or related topics. - http://pub41.bravenet.com/chat/show.php?usernum=3499587016&cpv=1
Nikola Parov - Official site of the featured artist in the Riverdance Orchestra, playing a wide variety of instruments: kaval, gadulka, bouzuki and gaida. - http://www.adatnet.hu/nikola/
Official Katie McMahon Page - Former Lee company and original Riverdance vocalist Katie McMahon's site, includes many photos, biography, audio clips and Riverdance links. - http://www.katiemcmahon.com/
Official Bill Whelan Composer - Everything you might want to know, and more about the man who wrote the music for Riverdance. - http://www.billwhelan.com/