Under Construction: An Unfinished Play - Award-winning American playwright Chuck Mee develops a new work, sponsored by the Guthrie Theatre, based off of public text submissions. - http://www.guthrietheater.org/FORARTISTS/OpportunitiesforPlaywrights/FinishanUnfinishedPlay/tabid/93/Default.aspx
Dante Project - An original series of site-specific performance installations investigating morality in various communities. - http://dante.lawks.com/
99 Cent Family, The - Iranian theatre comedy by Fariborz Davoodian, currently playing in California. - http://www.99centfamily.com
Squat Theatre - Archive for the Squat Theatre, founded by a group of artists, writers, designers, musicians in Budapest and expelled from Hungary in the early 1970's for their radical aesthetical views. Their experimental New York storefront theatre became a well-known p - http://squattheatre.com/
Growing and Learning with Sissy - A play about a young man called Sissy and his search for identity, acceptance, understanding and a little bit of love. A new 'webisode' is added every couple of weeks. - http://www.tarsplace.com/web_play.htm
Theatre in Absence: Abstract Commedy - Towards the end of the second millennium the pseudoeternity of the world has (almost) been used up: here comes the absent nothing, nouminous and shining, plain and complex, tragic and playful at the same time, under the form of Astratta Commedia. - http://www.in-absence.org/teatro/e_index.htm