Ezequiel Herrera y María Antonieta Tuozzo - Information about these teachers, their workshops in other countries and their classes in Madrid. - http://www.proyecciontango.com/
Tango in Barcelona by Chris, UK - A list of regular Argentine tango milongas, practicás and lessons in Barcelona. - http://chrisjj.com/tango/barcelona/
Tango Nuevos Aires - Classes and practicas presented in English and Spanish with David and Mariana. Includes places to dance tango in Madrid. - http://davidymariana.info/
El Tango - A tango site in Madrid that includes places to dance in Spain and tango resources such as articles, midi files, books and videos. - http://www.esto.es/tango/
La Milonga del Ángel - A tango salon in Barcelona with milongas and classes. - http://www.milongadelangel.com/