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  Renaissance (33)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site Renaissance Dance Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- European dance from the 15th to early 17th centuries. Includes a brief introduction, archives of the Rendance discussion list, links to primary and secondary sources, bibliographies, music and reenactment links, and a directory of teachers, performers, or
- http://www.rendance.org/

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Regular Websites in this category

Renaissance Footnotes Open in a new windowLink Details
- Performing name of Basingstoke Early Dance - performing social dances from between 1450 and 1650. Information about classes, and upcoming performances.
- http://www.basdance.hampshire.org.uk

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The Middle Ages: Medieval and Renaissance Dances Open in a new windowLink Details
- Cheat sheets, step descriptions, and a list of sources for SCA dances, including some from after 1600.
- http://www.themiddleages.net/life/dances.html

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Movimento! Open in a new windowLink Details
- Early dance and theater troupe based in British Columbia, Canada. Classes for children and adults, and information about performances and costume workshops.
- http://www.earlydance.org/

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Il Ballarino Open in a new windowLink Details
- An English translation of Caroso's "Il Ballarino" (1581).
- http://jducoeur.org/IlBallarino/

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Chorea Historica Open in a new windowLink Details
- Czech group directed by Eva Kröschlová. Information about the group, their repertoire and their costume designer.
- http://choreahistorica.wz.cz/en/

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Danse Ecosse Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group based in Inverness, Scotland. Information about workshops, and a gallery.
- http://www.apux03.dsl.pipex.com/

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Bassa Toscana Open in a new windowLink Details
- French renaissance and medieval dance troupe. Information about their performance and education services.
- http://www.bassatoscana.fr/

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Norwich Early Dance Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Medieval to Playford dance. Information about events, meetings and services.
- http://www.norwichearlydance.org.uk/

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Passamezzo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group of musicians, dancers and actors offering Elizabethan and Jacobean masque entertainment.
- http://livinghistory.co.uk/homepages/passamezzo/

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Academy of Courtly Pursuits Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group based in Plano, Texas which specializes in dances from Europe. Includes class information, historical research, FAQs, and information about a music guild.
- http://dancemaster.org/

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Le Balet Comique de la Reine: An Analysis Open in a new windowLink Details
- Analysis by Elizabeth Cooper of this 1581 spectacle, which combined dance, verse and music.
- http://depts.washington.edu/uwdance/dance344reading/bctextp1.htm

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Guild of the Silver Rondel Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dance guild of the branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism covering Australia and New Zealand. Information about their activities and links to resources.
- http://www.sca.org.au/rondel/

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Shakespearean Dance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research and resources by Emily Winerock. Includes papers, and an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources.
- http://www.winerock.com/shakespeareandance/

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Fioretto Open in a new windowLink Details
- Czech group. Includes information about their repertoire and a photo gallery.
- http://sweb.cz/fioretto/

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Renaissance Historical Dance Society Open in a new windowLink Details
- Devonshire UK based group specializing in 15th, 16th and 17th century dances. Includes information about their performances, photos, and a diary of upcoming events.
- http://www.rhds.org.uk/

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Accademia della Danza Open in a new windowLink Details
- SCA dance group based in Massachusetts. Information about their meetings and activities.
- http://danza.arberth.com/

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La Rossignol Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group of musicians and dancers based in Cremona, Italy. Information about performances and recordings.
- http://www.larossignol.com/

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Chastelana Open in a new windowLink Details
- Polish group performing dances from the renaissance and medieval periods. Information about members and their activities.
- http://chastelana.republika.pl/

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Hertfordshire Early Dance Open in a new windowLink Details
- UK-based group. Includes a meeting diary, dance cheat-sheets, and photos.
- http://www.hertsearlydance.btinternet.co.uk/

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Late 15th Century Transcriptions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Transcriptions "Les Basses Danses de Marguerite d'Autriche" and the Salisbury Manuscript, by Veerle Fack and Lieven Baert.
- http://caagt.rug.ac.be/~vfack/ihdp/

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Rosina's Dance Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Mostly 15th century Italian dance, including background information, step descriptions and dance reconstructions of balli and bassadanze by Piacenza and Ebreo. Information on classes in Toronto.
- http://www.pathcom.com/~rosina/

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The "Il Papa" Manuscript Open in a new windowLink Details
- An introduction and transcription. From the New York Public Library Dance Collection.
- http://www.nypl.org/research/lpa/dan/ilpapa.html

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Norman W. Gray's Home Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes articles on the Inns of Court dances, Playford dances, the Branle des Chevaux, and the Gresley Collection (circa 1500).
- http://members.ozemail.com.au/~grayn1/

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Joy and Jealousy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information about a book on 15th century Italian balli by Vivian Stephens and Monica Cellio. Includes a link to the text and music.
- http://home.jtan.com/~cellio/jj.html

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Thrir Venstri Foetr Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group based in Washington DC, performing dances from Playford and Arbeau. Includes schedules of performances and rehearsals, and descriptions of steps, figures and dances.
- http://www.wam.umd.edu/~eowyn/3LF/

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Renaissance Dance Pages Open in a new windowLink Details
- Notes and cheat sheets for renaissance and English country dance.
- http://ourworld-top.cs.com/BAPadget/

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Eric's SCA Dance and Music Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes Eric's SCA Dance Booklet, dance music (sheet music, audio files and information about CDs), and a transcription of the 1651 edition of Playford.
- http://sca.uwaterloo.ca/~praetzel/sca-music.html

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Dance of the Ages Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes some general information about reconstructing dances, descriptions of 15th century dance steps, and a reconstruction of the Italian ballo "Leoncello Nuovo".
- http://patriot.net/~nachtanz/KReed/histdanc.html

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Renaissance Dance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Introduction by Sarah Boronow. Information about some of the dances, and the dancing masters.
- http://www.vanderbilt.edu/Blair/Courses/MUSL242/f98/rendanc.htm

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Capriol Society for Early Dance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Based in Cambridge, England. Mainly concerned with 14th-17th century dancing from the European courts. Site includes some background, and information about classes.
- http://www.mjtr.de/capriol/

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L'Academie Atlantienne de la Danse Open in a new windowLink Details
- A group dedicated to the practice of, and research into, renaissance and SCA dance. Site includes information about upcoming events, and copies of their electronic newsletter.
- http://isenfir.org/academie/academie.htm

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Renaissance Dance Sources Open in a new windowLink Details
- Transcriptions of primary sources, and some secondary sources. Links to similar material on other sites.
- http://users.erols.com/eacain/dance/rendance.html

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