Inverglen Scottish Dancersl - Highland, Scottish and step dancing school and display dancers in Abbotsford, BC, Canada. Includes profile, details of classes, and activities, Scottish Dance Teachers Alliance Medal Tests. -
Calgary School of Highland Dance - Instruction in South-Central Calgary from rec. to Championship level. Small classes and qualified instructors. SDTA exams, dance outs and Recitals available. -
Katharine Robinson School of Highland Dancing - Highland dancing classes in Ottawa, ON. With information on schedules, programmes, news and calendar of events. -
Mid-Michigan Highland Dance Academy - School for highland dancing in Alma, Michigan, directed by Christie Freestone. With information about the teachers, the dancers and a parent group. -
Sim School of Highland Dance - School in the Embro and St. Thomas communities of Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Check out events, photos, and history of Highland Dance. -
Tronnes Highland Dancers - School specialized in Highland dance instruction in Calgary, Airdrie and Vancouver. -
Lakes Area School of Highland Dance - (White Lake, Michigan) Highland dance school, with institutional information, pictures, and links. -
Silver Thistle School of Dance - Dedicated to instruction in Highland and Scottish country dance in Las Vegas, Nevada. A non-profit educational and support group. -
Gillie Callum Highland Dancers - Competitive Highland dancing school in Calgary, AB directed by Pierie Danysk & Keltie Stowkowy. Training beginner to championship level dancers. -
New Hampshire School of Scottish Arts - Fostering the spirit of Scottish performing and cultural arts in New Hampshire. Classes in Scottish fiddle, bagpipes, Highland dancing, harp, and Gaelic singing. -
Johnson School of Highland Dance - Information on Highland Dance, competitions, exams, dance associations, links and bios of the teachers. -
Forrester School of Celtic Dance - Highland & Celtic Step dance school & performing dance company located on Cape Breton Island, Canada. -
Thistle Schools of Scottish Country Dance - Provides instruction in the correct techniques and manner of Scottish Country Dancing, the historic and contemporary social dancing of Scotland. -