Austrian Folk Dancing - Wikipedia - Overview including types of dances, details of festivals, musical instruments and clothing. -
Alpentänzer Schuhplattler - A non-profit organization of Sacramento dedicated to the preservation of Bavarian and Austrian folk dances, costumes (tracht) and culture. -
Texanischer Schuhplattler Verein - (Dallas, Texas) Non-profit German folkdancing and schuhplattler club. With a calendar of events, pictures and repertoire of the group. -
S.G. Edelweiss St. Paul - (St. Paul, Minnesota) Bavarian/Austrian folk dance club. Features the history, and events for the group, including contact information. -
Donauschwäbische Dance Groups - This website is devoted to promoting and perpetuating the story of the Danube-Swabian people so that future generations can take pride in their heritage and pass it on to their children -
Bavarian Schuhplattlers of Edmonton - A group dedicated to preserving the traditions of Bavarian folk-dancing and costume in Canada. -