Henry's Dance Hotlist - A large index of dance-related Web links. - http://hneeman.oscer.ou.edu/dance_hotlist.html
Dance Forums Dance Directory - A guide divided by locality and dance type. - http://www.dance-forums.com/directory/
@URL Internet Arts Resources: Dance - Topical collection includes Mega dance resources, New Zealand dance, and dance and related technologies. - http://www.url.co.nz/resources/dance.php
DanceScape Global Dance Directory - Comprehensive Global Dance Directory of dance suppliers, studios, organizations, vendors products and services. - http://www.globaldancedirectory.com/
Dance Plexus - A dance blog with information, links and articles. - http://www.danceplexus.com/
DanceScape Dance Forums - Discussion on a wide variety of dance topics, as well as dance products. - http://www.dancescape.com/mydancefriends/
Ballroom Dancing Directory - Guide to ballroom dance clubs, instructors and retailers. There is also a discussion forum. - http://www.ballroomdancingdirectory.com/
Dance Lessons - A free service that helps people find dance lessons in their area. - http://www.dance-lessons.net/
New England Line Dance Resource - Directory of line dance instructors, choregraphers, DJs and dance clubs in New England. - http://www.tmsdancer.com/NELDR_Pg/dancene.html
Dance Forums - Articles and discussion on ballroom, tango, salsa, country western and swing dance. - http://www.dance-forums.com/
Dance.ca - A search engine for the Canadian dance industry. - http://www.dance.ca/
Ballroom Dance Directory - Provides a listing of ballroom studios and competitions. - http://www.supadance.us/directory/default.php
Sapphire Swan - Covers Clogging to samba to Irish jigging and Chinese dancing. - http://www.sapphireswan.com/dance/
Dance Spots Network - Searchable list of venues, instructors and events arranged by style and location. - http://www.dancespots.net/
DanceUSA - A galleria of resources, articles, professional organizations, team websites and companies for a dance team, drill team, pep squad, pom team, cheerleaders, color guard, band or any other performance group. - http://www.danceusa.com/
CyberDance - Ballet on the Net - A collection of over 3,500 links to classical ballet and modern dance resources on the Internet. - http://www.cyberdance.org/
Dance World - Offering links to country, western, ballroom and social dancing related sites. Includes club, studio and cruise listings. - http://www.countrycalendar.com/dance_world/
Artslynx International Dance Resources - Links in areas underserved by other listings from research to notation to the most comprehensive linkings to university dance departments. The site is optimized for teachers, students, and dance researchers. - http://www.artslynx.org/dance/
Dance Links - One of the oldest collections of links and thus may not be accurate. - http://www.dancer.com/dance-links/
Southern California Dance and Directory - Louise Reichlin's attempt to increase awareness of Southern California as a dance center: links to Los Angeles choreographers and dancers. - http://www.usc.edu/dept/dance/