Motus Humanus - A professional organization dedicated to the study of human movement in the tradition of movement theorist Rudolf Laban. -
International Council of Kinetography Laban - Labanotation - A non-profit international organization. Members practise the system of movement and dance notation originated by Rudolf Laban, known as Kinetography Laban or Labanotation. -
Introduction to Labanotation - How the notation looks like and analyses movement. -
Dance Notation Bureau Homepage - The DNB's mission is to record dances in a way that will allow them to be performed. The DNB documents on paper using a symbol system called Labanotation. -
LabanWriter Project, The - A Laban notation editor for the Macintosh developed by the Ohio State Department of Dance. -
Identity of Works of Art in Dance, The - Part of Julie Charlotte Van Camp's dissertation on issues regarding notation and changes in a choreographer's work. -
Benesh Institute, The - International center for Benesh Movement Notation. Includes information on courses, software and books. -
Dance Writing - "Sutton DanceWriting" publications, movement writing. -