E! Online: Geena Davis - Includes a profile, filmography, quotations, trivia, movie trailers, and links. - http://www.eonline.com/celebrities/profile/index.jsp?uuid=3e077088-8832-4f14-92c3-df21a7286366
Box Office Data for Geena Davis - A page that summarizes box office stats for movies Geena Davis appeared in. - http://www.the-numbers.com/people/GDAVI.php
Hollywood.com: Geena Davis - With vital statistics, biography, and filmography. - http://www.hollywood.com/celebs/detail/id/196050
Thespian Net Presents Geena Davis - Offers a profile, movie credits, links and facilities allowing fans to contribute biographical information and pictures. - http://www.thespiannet.com/actresses/D/davis_geena/
101LifeStyle.Com - Picture gallery for the actress. - http://www.101lifestyle.com/celebs/geena_davis.html
IMDb: Geena Davis - Includes a filmography, biography, and links. - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000133/
Geena Davis Mailing List - An e-mail discussion list for Geena Davis fans. Hosted by Yahoo Groups. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/geena-davis/
Star Archive: Geena Davis - The Star Archive's page has an autographed photo, movie credits and an autograph address. - http://www.stararchive.com/starc2000/sl.php3?id=2560
Celebrity Desktop - Geena Davis - A collection of Windows enhancements. Offers two desktop themes for download. - http://www.celebritydesktop.com/actresses/geena_davis/
Washingtonpost.com: Geena Davis Filmography - A brief filmography plus a bit of "Did You Know?" trivia. - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/filmgrph/geena_davis.htm
Geena Davis Show Links - Links to news and information about Geena Davis and the ABC television show Geena. - http://www.sirlinksalot.net/davis.html
Geena Davis Unofficial Fan Club - Two pages of Geena Davis pictures from various sources. Not really a fan club. - http://www.laughingstar.com/Geena_Davis/
Geena Davis TV Schedule - Geena's TV schedule for the current month with dates, times, channels, and movie information. - http://www.tv-now.com/stars/geena.html
Celebrity Web: Geena Davis - A brief profile with photos, contact information, and a filmography. - http://www.celebrityweb.com/actress/profile/davis_g.htm
AskMen.com - Geena Davis - Pictures, biography, commentary, and links on the beautiful actress. - http://www.askmen.com/women/actress_100/131_geena_davis.html
Actress Geena Davis - The Movie Times' page offers pictures, box office information, vital statistics, links, and a message board. - http://www.the-movie-times.com/thrsdir/actress/gdavis.html