TeenHollywood.com - Kim Basinger - Interview discussing her physical and emotional preparation for the film Cellular. By Lynn Barker. - http://www.teenhollywood.com/d.asp?r=78495
Thespian Net presents Kim Basinger - Biography, filmography and links, with facilities for fans to submit photographs and other pertinent information. - http://www.thespiannet.com/actresses/B/basinger_kim/
AskMen.com: Kim Basinger - Biography, ratings, and links. - http://www.askmen.com/women/actress/37_kim_basinger.html
Celebrity Desktop - Kim Basinger - Listing screen savers, wallpaper, desktop themes, and other computer enhancements. - http://www.celebritydesktop.com/actresses/kim_basinger/
J.S.R. Pages - Original montage images, video clips, film soundtracks and filmography. - http://web.ukonline.co.uk/js.robinson/fkbx.htm