Leonard Nimoy - IMDb - Filmography. - http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0000559/
Thanks to Leonard Nimoy - Documentation about Leonard Nimoy's work, with summaries and a lot of pictures - http://www.ponilla.org/Nimoy
The Official Leonard Nimoy Fan Club - Biography, index to films and other works, and information about the club and its newsletter. Based in the UK, authorised by Leonard Nimoy. - http://www.theofficialleonardnimoyfanclub.com
TV-Now Presents Leonard Nimoy - Monthly schedule of Leonard Nimoy appearances on TV. - http://www.tv-now.com/stars/nimoy.html
Star Archive: Leonard Nimoy - Reproductions of autographed photos, plus the star's autograph address. - http://www.stararchive.com/starc2000/sl.php3?id=83
Leonard Nimoy Photography - Leonard Nimoy's official photography website; fine art images, galleries, updates. - http://leonardnimoyphotography.com/
Trivia Tribute: Leonard Nimoy - Provides photos, short WAV clips, links, trivia and related merchandise. - http://www.triviatribute.com/leonardnimoy.html