Celebrities-Pictures.com: Ewan McGregor - Gallery of pictures and original wallpapers as well as facts, trivia and quotes. - http://www.celebrities-pictures.com/photo/v/males/ewan%20mcgregor
Ewan McGregor Pictures World - Pictures and animations sorted by category. In English and Japanese. - http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~mq6s-tgsk/ewan/top.html
Ewan McGregor Gallery - Pictures and screen captures. - http://www.galleryofcelebrities.com/mcgregor.htm
atPictures.com - Ewan McGregor - Large collection of pictures that can be sent as e-cards. - http://www.atpictures.com/ewan/
PhotoFamous: Ewan McGregor - A few images of the actor that you can rate. Links to related topics. - http://www.photofamous.com/?dir=Males/Actors/McGregor%2C%20Ewan/
Best of Ewan - Extensive image gallery and desktop wallpapers. - http://www.bestofewan.com/