Eyeballs On: Angelina Jolie - Contains pictures, wallpaper images, information on her tattoos, profile, and film credits. - http://www.eyeballson.com/angelina_jolie/
Old Socks: Angelina Jolie - Provides photographs that can be used as wallpapers. - http://www.oldsocks.co.uk/search.php?blcmd=2&txtSearch=Angelina+Jolie
Gallery: Angelina Jolie - Presentation of multiple pictures. - http://www.hot.ee/kylamats/Angelina_Jolie/
Undying Celebrities: Angelina Jolie - Contains a thumbnailed image gallery and biographical information. - http://www.undying.com/celeb/angelinajolie/index.htm
Rivalquest: Angelina Jolie - Several pictures and biographical information. - http://www.rivalquest.com/angelina
CelSite: Angelina Jolie - Several pictures sorted into categorized galleries. Also presents a profile of the actress and film credits. - http://angelina-jolie.celsite.com/