Rhopalocerienne's Rants - Trials and tribulations of an overworked codemonkey, with the occasional fanfic on the side. - http://rhopalocerienne.livejournal.com/
Rogue Tory - Political commentary, computer science, quizzes and other meanderings from a rogue Tory. - http://www.roguetory.org.uk/
Rhonda Sue - Life-affirming perspectives on friends, family, and a career in social work. - http://www.rhondasue.com/
Run With Scissors - Tales of foot massage, running, job hunting and occasionally the lovely Buffalo, New York. - http://www.runwithscissors.org/
Ruthie's Top Secret Diary - A chronology of the life of a Chicago college student, observations, wit, and web travelogue. - http://ruthie.blogspot.com/
Rants and Raves of a Deranged Student - Rants and raves about movies, school, friends, family, and just about everything. - http://www.psychoticsarah.blogspot.com/
Rant and Rage - One madwoman's sometimes vitriolic meanderings on everything right and wrong with the world. - http://www.shanmonster.com/rants/index.html
Reality Remixed - What better place than here. What better time than now. - http://www.realityremixed.com/
Riverbend - Baghdad Burning - A young Iraqi woman writes about conditions in the country after the war. - http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/
Rock and Roll Means Fuck - Rants, laments and assorted vitriol. - http://www.rockandrollmeansfuck.blogspot.com
Roxy's Ramblings - The online diary of a humanist, feminist, liberal, would-be opera singer and her life in Brooklyn, New York. - http://roxyelliot.diaryland.com/
Reploid 9 - Diary and weblog of a self-proclaimed loser. Alternates frequently between serious emotional writing and simple adolescent humor. - http://www.puuba.com/pers
Rantings of an Unexploded Scotsman - Random thoughts and things better left unsaid. Short stories too. - http://unexplodedscot.blogspot.com
Rollercoaster - Please keep all appendages inside the car. - http://alamoo.livejournal.com/
Reiny Day Productions - Personal site and several online journals. - http://www.reinyday.com/
rawk/roll - the musings and ramblings of a vancouver indie rocker. (Requires Flash 4) - http://www.rawkandorroll.com
Ryan - The Tao of Ryan - Musings from a twenty-something software developer, fledgling writer, and online MUD game creator and maintainer from Austin, Texas. - http://www.taoofryan.com/
Rick Whittington - This is the personal web site of Rick Whittington, eCommerce manager, son, husband and friend. - http://www.rickwhittington.com
Random Wibbles - Because engineers think just that little bit differently. - http://www.jo-ham.com