Pickleness - Writing on motherhood, travel, the human condition and respective behaviors, photography, run-over pedestrians, undying, passionate love, and humor. - http://pickleness.blogspot.com/
Pudgeefeet - Caroline's journal - A 20-something woman chronicles her life in college, at her sorority, and everywhere else. - http://pudgeefeet.livejournal.com/
Phinny's LiveJournal - Journal of a Silicon Valley, California artist dealing with manic-depression and schizophrenia since 1983. - http://pnarco.livejournal.com/
The Path of My Life - Writing about daily life, including (but not limited to) scrapbooking, photography, gardening, books, movies, DVD's, and television. - http://www.ilsesjournal.com/
Pink Champagne High - Woman with hard working roots shares her royal aspirations and daily life. - http://www.pinkchampagnehigh.com/
The Prettiest Star - Life of a young woman in the city whose role model is Holly Golightly. - http://theprettieststar.blogspot.com/
Pigeon in the Sun - A 24-year-old lesbian magazine writer moves to New York with her fiance, a transsexual comparative literature PhD candidate at Columbia. Hilarity ensues. - http://pigeoninthesun.blogspot.com/
petite anglaise - Diary of an English thirty-something in Paris. - http://www.petiteanglaise.com/
The Pjammer Chronicles - Personal journal of essayist/former newspaper columnist/small-l-libertarian on a one-man crusade in search of truth, justice and synchronicity. Have laptop. Will Travel. - http://pjammer.livejournal.com
Powers, John - His journal. - http://johnpowers.diaryland.com
Poopscape - A thirty-something graphic designer from Texas. - http://www.poopscape.com
Placek, Renee - Renee-Chronicles - Journal of a web technologies trainer, rambling writer, sometimes traveler, and wannabe escape artist. - http://www.renee-chronicles.net
Pink Robot - Brief records of the activities of a girl. - http://bells.blogspot.com/
Paul's World - The author, his thoughts and feelings. A place to rest and think, and share moments of happiness, pain, sorrow and joy. - http://www.paulhaskew.com
Plume - You Can Watch Me Bleed - 24 year old Danish social phobe and his adventures in life, such as it is. - http://plume.diaryland.com
Primozich, Sasha - Features writings about self, friends, family, love and web design experience. - http://www.trancegrl.com/
PleaseOhPlease - Redundant Spinal Cord - Thoughts from a woman in her mid-20's "scratching a slight narcisistic itch." - http://pleaseohplease.blogspot.com/
Ponder This - I am a woman. A woman who has so many desires, yet often lacks the drive to do anything about it. I've reached my 30th circle around the sun. I am a typical Taurus, which is odd since I think astrology is silly. - http://ponder.blar.org/
Puce - Passionate web guru of the western world. - http://www.puce.com/
Penguin Dust - Art geek chick from Colorado seeks intrigued and intriguing people to nod and smile at her ramblings. Apply within. - http://www.snerk.net